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  如何让中国在国力日益强大的今天更迅捷地与国际接轨?我们的特约组稿人王源给大家树立了一个成功的榜样,抓住身边一切可能的机会!日前她对美国广播公司(ABC)前副总裁哈维·佐丁(Harvey C. Dzodin)进行了一次采访,讨论了多个与中国未来经济有着紧密联系的热门话题。
  Interviewer: Do you usually see the tag, “Made in China”? And at one time, people all [over] the world was [were] astonished by the huge amount of the products made in China,…
  Harvey: Yeah, right.
  Interviewer: But, I thought that China is trying to making[make] a change from “Made in China” to “Sold in China” or even “Invented in China.” What do you think of this trend?
  Harvey: Uh huh. Well, I don’t think that that many people are mad about it. Yeah, the woman wrote the book about “Made in China” and she tried to avoid Chinese products for a whole year and it made her quite wealthy, but I don’t get the impression too much that people are that upset. Not at…people are not as upset as they were in the 1980s about Japan, and so I think there’s not that much problem. There’s some. I think it’s also, though, a good idea to “Invented in China” or “Created and Designed in China.” I think it’s a really…a good development. And also there’s a lot of other issues like2)intellectual property theft and…
  Interviewer: Yeah, the 3)IPR thing.
  Harvey: Right. People on the outside are concerned about that. I mean, policy-makers are concerned about that and people who make…create intellectual property are concerned about it because so many examples of people in China just stealing ideas. One of my friends told me of – some time last year – he said, “Oh, I’ve got a great idea for a television show,” and he said that this is a new Chinese show and I think it was on Phoenix, and he said, “Oh, it’s called ‘Dancing with the Stars’.” And I said, “Oh, that’s an ABC show.” I know the woman, Andrea Wong, who created that show. So, this was not thought up by anybody in China. It was just taken. So, I think that intellectual property theft problem will be solved gradually as there’s more “Created in China.” Then Chinese industries and IPR creators will realize that it’s in their own self-interest to promote intellectual property protection. And, as, when Chinese are making intellectual property creation and they’re getting 4)ripped off, then, I think, is when there’ll be wide-scale enforcement of intellectual property rights.
  Interviewer: OK. But you know more and more multinational companies really see China as the tag of “Sold in China”; they see opportunities that appear in China everywhere, not only in, like, the eastern developed areas of Shanghai, Beijing, or Guangzhou, but also in, like, inner cities like Xi’an, something like that. And do you think China really has the ability to attract so many multi-national companies?
  Harvey: I mean, I think it depends on government policies. My impression and the impression of other people is that Chinese government policies favor domestic Chinese companies, so, if international, multinational companies believe that they’re not going to have a fair chance to 5)participate in the market, they might think twice about it by not come or not stay. If they think that their Chinese partners are going to partner with them just for the purpose of the technology and information transfer and then tell their foreign partners that their services are no longer required, this will discourage participation as well. So, I think it really depends a lot on the Chinese government policy. But, with a rising economic market of 1.3 billion people, obviously the multinationals want to come here. But many multi-nationals have found it very frustrating for the reason that I mentioned, and other reasons.



既自信又谦逊,既幽默又能唱会道,他能让一部家庭剧情片拥有2亿9800万美元的票房,他能让观众安坐在电影院一个多小时看他演独角戏,去年还被美国《娱乐周刊》选为“好莱坞最有影响力的男星”。当今好莱坞黑人影星中片酬最高,惟一能与老牌黑人影星丹泽尔·华盛顿一争高低的,非威尔·史密斯莫属了。   从格莱美获奖说唱歌手,到票房灵药的出色演员,威尔·史密斯希望自己留给别人的印象是快乐的面孔,而非背后的汗水。  
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