Artificial Neural Network and Full Factorial Design Assisted AT-MRAM on Fe Oxides, Organic Materials

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johntoo
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Artificial neural network(ANN) and full factorial design assisted atrazine(AT) multiple regression adsorption model(AT-MRAM) were developed to analyze the adsorption capability of the main components in the surficial sediments(SSs). Artificial neural network was used to build a model(the determination coefficient square r2 is 0.9977) to describe the process of atrazine adsorption onto SSs, and then to predict responses of the full factorial design. Based on the results of the full factorial design, the interactions of the main components in SSs on AT adsorption were investigated through the analysis of variance(ANOVA), F-test and t-test. The adsorption capability of the main components in SSs for AT was calculated via a multiple regression adsorption model(MRAM). The results show that the greatest contribution to the adsorption of AT on a molar basis was attributed to Fe/Mn(-1.993 μmol/mol). Organic materials(OMs) and Fe oxides in SSs are the important adsorption sites for AT, and the adsorption capabilities are 1.944 and 0.418 μmol/mol, respectively. The interaction among the non-residual components(Fe, Mn oxides and OMs) in SSs interferes in the adsorption of AT that shouldn’t be neglected, revealing the significant contribution of the interaction among non-residual components to controlling the behavior of AT in aquatic environments. Artificial neural network (ANN) and full factorial design assisted atrazine (AT) multiple regression adsorption model (AT-MRAM) were developed to analyze the adsorption capability of the main components in the surficial sediments (SSs). Artificial neural network was used to build a model (the determination coefficient square r2 is 0.9977) to describe the process of atrazine adsorption onto SSs, and then to predict responses of the full factorial design. Based on the results of the full factorial design, the interactions of the main components in SSs on AT adsorption were investigated through the analysis of variance (ANOVA), F-test and t-test. The results of that the the ability of the main components in SSs for AT was calculated via a multiple regression adsorption model (MRAM) greatest contribution to the adsorption of AT on a molar basis at attributed to Fe / Mn (-1.993 μmol / mol). Organic materials (OMs) and Fe oxides in SSs are the important adsorption sites for AT, and the The interaction among the non-residual components (Fe, Mn oxides and OMs) in SSs interferes in the adsorption of AT that should not be neglected, revealing the significant contribution of the interaction among non-residual components to controlling the behavior of AT in aquatic environments.
2010年8月30日,中央组织部、国务院国资委面向海内外公开招聘企业高管。据悉,今年的公开招聘职位共有20个,包括5名总经理、4名副总经理(副局长)、3名总会计师、3名企业总法律顾问以及5名高层次科研管理人才。  近年来,中组部、国资委已先后7次组织中央企业面向海内外公开招聘,从近万名应聘者中录用了113人,同时还储备了一批素质优良、年富力强的后备人才,为提高中央企业的国际竞争力奠定了坚实的人才基
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