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科学认识和正确把握安全生产的特点和规律,是做好安全生产工作的重要前提。全面地对安全生产与经济社会发展的关系进行研究,揭示其内在规律,并用这一规律指导安全生产工作的实践,具有十分重要的理论与实践意义。纵观发达国家的发展历史,大都经历从事故频发、逐步下降到平稳发展的过程。如何学习借鉴发达国家的经验,把握安全生产发展的内在规律,尽快实现我国安全形势好转的目标,国家安全生产监督管理总局党组决定,设立专门课题,对安全生产与经济社会发展的关系进行研究,王显政副局长为课题组长,安全生产信息研究院主要研究技术骨干组成了课题组。2003年8月22日,王显政副局长在第一次课题专家研讨会上明确提出,本课题要全面、系统地研究分析不同类型国家在经济社会发展不同阶段的安全生产状况与发展趋势,把安全生产放在国民经济和社会发展宏观环境中进行研究,要重点揭示安全生产与经济社会发展之间的内在规律,为制定国家安全生产发展战略和研究制定安全生产事故防控措施提供理论依据。课题组经过近2年的潜心研究,完成了《安全生产与经济社会发展研究》报告。下面发表本课题的简要介绍,以飨读者。 Scientific understanding and correctly grasping the characteristics and laws of work safety are important prerequisites for doing a good job in work safety. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to conduct a comprehensive study of the relationship between safety in production and economic and social development, reveal its intrinsic laws, and use this law to guide the practice of work safety. Looking at the history of the developed countries, most of them experienced the frequent accidents and gradually declined to the steady development. How to study and learn from the experience of developed countries and grasp the inherent laws governing the development of safe production so as to achieve the goal of improving the security situation in China as soon as possible and the party group of the State Administration of Work Safety decided to set up a special task to study the relationship between safe production and economic and social development, Wang Xianzheng, deputy director of the project leader, Institute of Information Technology safety research center composed of key research team. On August 22, 2003, Deputy Director Wang Xianzheng made it clear during the seminar on the first subject that this issue should comprehensively and systematically study and analyze the status of safety production and development trend in different stages of economic and social development in different types of countries, put safety Production should be studied in the macroeconomic environment of national economy and social development. We should focus on revealing the inherent laws between safety production and economic and social development, and provide a theoretical basis for formulating national strategies for the development of production safety and studying and formulating prevention and control measures for safety accidents. After nearly two years of research group devoted themselves to the completion of the “safety in production and economic and social development research” report. The following is a brief introduction of this topic to readers.
导演:杨树鹏  主演:黄小明,张歆艺,张译  类型:剧情,冒险,奇幻,战争  地区:内地  片长:100分钟  上映:2012-04  剧情  曾经的富家子弟——方有望(黄晓明饰)后来成为名震一方的匪帮头子,他对兄弟不离不弃,对女人也是同样的有情有义。  一天,方有望绑架了一个新郎官高栋梁(张译 饰),没想到的是,高栋梁可不是一个简单的肉票,高栋梁的铁血,和顽强却在无意间打动了匪帮的“小姑奶奶”方
《语文课程标准》第一学段的识字目标中明确指出:“让学生喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望,能借助汉语拼音认读汉字。”如果孩子学得主动,肯动脑筋,那么,每个汉字都可以用多种的好方法来识记。    一、新奇引趣法    有了兴趣,学生才能主动、愉快地学习,才能在课堂上发挥主体作用。低年级儿童喜爱猜谜,如果能把某些识字内容编成谜语、顺口溜等形式来巩固所学知识,可调动学生的学习积极性,又可通过对谜语的综合分析
惊悚片的噱头,足可以把许多胆小的影迷吓退在电影院的大门之外。  血红的旗袍,滴血的绣花鞋,凄美的女人,还有阴森的夜晚中的水乡,所有的元素都在告诉着大家叶伟民的《绣花鞋》那种惊悚元素。  但是影片最开始并不惊悚。上世纪四十年代的水乡农村,小桥流水人家,温婉的女子,水乡的风土人情,就连许多女人,比如说苏二的柔色旗袍,一针一线当中都让这部电影看起来是那么精致,那么有民国风情。新派女教师何楚君带着一群孩子
目的 观察大鼠视网膜缺血再灌注(retinal ischemia reperfusion,RIR)后,凋亡即早基因c-fos、c-jun及白介素1β(IL-1β)多肽在视网膜各层细胞中的表达变化,进一步明确凋亡即早基因和白介素1β与RIR损伤发生机制的关系.方法采用前房灌注生理盐水,形成130 mmHg(17.3 kPa)高眼压,诱导大鼠视网膜缺血60 min,解除高眼压,建立RIR模型.缺血60
结合制导中的高背景特性,本文对采用IRCCD器件导引头的制导系统,提出了一种采用光谱带宽优化以提高IRCCD器件输出信号对比度的方法。 Combining with the high background c