深化改革 转换机制 开拓市场 提高效益

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日月如梭,转瞬又到岁序更新的时候了。审时度势,笔者认为在组织安排1994年机械工业生产活动中,应该确立深化改革,转换机制,开拓市场,提高效益的指导思想。 关于我国经济发展,邓小平同志在南巡讲话中说得很明白:首先明确“发展是硬道理”,能发展就不要阻挡。又讲了当然不是鼓励不切实际的高速度,还是要扎扎实实,讲求效益,稳步协调地发展。党的十四大根据邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论,在认真分析、研究、测算的基础上,规定九十年代我国经济的发展速度,在提高质量、优化结构、增进效益的前提下,达到每年国民生产总值增长百分之八到九。 一年多来,各行业贯彻邓小平同志南巡谈话和十四大精神,做了大量的工作,使经济有了迅速的发展,主流是好的。但是,也出现了一些急于求成的倾向,主要表现在“开发区热”、“房地产热”、盲目铺摊子、乱上项目、搞计划外的基建和技改,造成经济发展中的“泡沫现象”。由此产生任意挤占和拆借资金,金融秩序紊乱;交通、能源、原材料等“瓶颈”制约的矛盾也更加突出;物价上升过快,通货膨胀压力加大。 The moon and the moon flew in time, and it was time to renew the order. In reviewing the situation, the author believes that in organizing and arranging the mechanical industrial production activities in 1994, the guiding ideology of deepening reforms, transforming mechanisms, opening up markets, and improving profits should be established. Regarding the economic development of our country, Comrade Deng Xiaoping made it very clear in his speech at the Southern Tour: First of all, it is clear that “development is the absolute principle.” If you can develop, you should not stop it. In addition, it is certainly not encouraging unrealistic high speeds, but it must be solid, cost-effective, and develop steadily and steadily. The 14th National Party Congress, based on Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, based on careful analysis, research, and calculations, stipulated the speed of economic development in China in the 1990s, under the premise of improving quality, optimizing structure, and enhancing benefits, Achieving an annual growth of 8% to 9% of GDP. Over the past year or so, various industries have implemented Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour talks and the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. They have done a great deal of work and made the economy develop rapidly. The mainstream is good. However, some eagerness for success has also emerged, mainly manifested in the “development zone hot”, “real estate fever”, blindly laying out, chaos on the project, engage in unplanned infrastructure and technical reform, resulting in economic development in the “bubble” phenomenon". As a result, there has been arbitrary seizure and borrowing of funds, the financial order has been disordered, and the contradiction between transportation, energy, raw materials, and other “bottleneck” constraints has become more pronounced; prices have risen too fast and inflationary pressures have increased.
由于住宅建设增加和装修费用提高,1993年美国电动工具工业的业绩得到很大改善。1992年发货额为23.4亿美元,1993年增长5.5%。达24.7亿美元。 尽管美国经济回升乏力,但由于外国
据国家信息中心市场部调查表明,今后国内市场上彩电名牌产品大规格、高档次产品的需求量占总需求量的比重将越来越大。 According to the survey conducted by the Marketi
中国化工报报道,国家重点技改项目—青岛第二橡胶厂30万套全钢丝载重子午胎生产线目前正式投产。 项目总投资2.48亿元,其中外汇3184万美元,由亚洲开发银行贷款。经招标与意