让安全更进一步 2007年度米其林道路安全行动传播案例

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项目主体:米其林(中国)投资有限公司项目执行:罗德公共关系顾问有限公司在中国,米其林致力实现本土化,并引进国际先进技术和产品,在产品、科技、服务、安全教育方面率先担负起改进中国道路交通安全的责任。2007年6月7日,米其林(中国)投资有限公司在北京举行了“安全进一步”——2007年度米其林道路安全行动启动仪式。在启动仪式上,米其林宣布与中国道路交通安全协会结成战略合作伙伴关系,共同致力于开展普及道路安全教育的系列活动,并在同年9月首先推出了旨在支持和提高当地儿童交通安全和自我保护意识的“向西部儿童送小黄帽行动”。除了安全活动外,米其林还积极尝试各种形式来实现其承诺,如与相关媒体合作开通“米其林安全俱乐部”的道路交通安全及轮胎安全知识专栏,用最直接的方式向大众普及安全知识;有针对性地与驾驶学校进行合作,对其学员进行系统的道路安全教育;推出米其林“随你行”24小时道路救援服务和“社区免费轮胎安全检测”活动等,将道路安全教育带到人们的身边。 Project Sponsor: Michelin (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Project Implementation: Rohde & Co., Ltd. Public Relations Consultants Ltd. In China, Michelin is committed to localization and introducing advanced international technologies and products, taking the lead in product, technology, service and safety education. Improve China’s road traffic safety responsibilities. On June 7, 2007, Michelin (China) Investment Co., Ltd. held a “Safety Further” in Beijing - 2007 launch ceremony of Michelin Road Safety Action. At the launching ceremony, Michelin announced a strategic partnership with China Road Traffic Safety Association to work together to launch a series of activities to popularize road safety education. In September of the same year, Michelin first launched a series of activities aimed at supporting and improving local children’s traffic safety and Self-protection awareness “Little yellow hat to the west children action ”. In addition to its safety activities, Michelin is also actively trying out various forms of fulfillment of its commitments. For example, it cooperated with relevant media to launch the “Traffic Safety and Tire Safety Knowledge Column” of “Michelin Safety Club” to popularize safety knowledge to the public in the most direct way ; Cooperate with driving schools in a targeted manner to educate their trainees on the road safety; launch Michelin 24 Hours Roadside Assistance Service and Free Community Tire Safety Testing activities, Safety education to people’s side.
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