以全国12个城市的1 794名中学生为测试对象,运用调查、测试和统计分析等研究方法,对校园足球中学阶段的学生技能评定标准进行研究,以完善校园足球评价体系,促进校园足球的科学化发展。结论:校园足球中学阶段学生技能评定标准等级包括初中以及高中两个阶段。评定内容包括球感、运球、踢球、体能以及比赛能力五个维度,评定方法与难度随等级提升。经统计学分析与实证研究表明,校园足球中学阶段学生技能评定标准适用性较强,能够为中学阶段学生足球技能水平与发展程度的评定与分析提供参考依据。
This study takes 1 794 middle school students in 12 cities of China as test subjects, and uses research methods such as investigation, test and statistical analysis to study the students’ skill evaluation standard in secondary school football in order to improve the campus football evaluation system and promote the science of campus football Development. Conclusion: The standard of secondary school students’ skills assessment in campus soccer includes two stages: junior high school and high school. Assessment includes the sense of ball, dribbling, kickball, physical and competitive ability of the five dimensions, assessment methods and difficulty with the level of promotion. The statistical analysis and empirical research show that the applicability of the student skill assessment standard in the secondary school football stage is strong and can provide a reference for the assessment and analysis of the secondary school students’ football skill level and development level.