
来源 :The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxxxcs
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the dose distribution and dose volume histogram (DVH) of the planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk (OARs) among conventional radiation therapy (CR), three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT), two-step intensity-modulated radiation therapy (TS-IMRT) and direct machine parameter optimization intensity-modulated radiation therapy (DMPO-IMRT) after breast-conserving surgery. Methods: For each of 20 randomly chosen patients, 4 plans were designed using 4 irradiation techniques. The prescribed dose was 50 Gy/2 Gy/25 f, 95% of the planning target volume received this dose. The cumulated DVHs and 3D dose distributions of CR, 3DCRT, TS-IMRT and DMPO-IMRT plans were compared. Results: For the homogeneity indices, no statistically significant difference was observed among CR, 3DCRT, TS-IMRT and DMPO-IMRT while the difference of the conformality indices were statistically significant. With regard to the organs at risk, IMRT and 3DCRT showed a significantly fewer exposure dose to the ipsilateral lung than CR in the high-dose area while in the low-dose area, IMRT demonstrated a significant increase of exposure dose to ipsilateral lung, heart and contralateral breast compared with 3DCRT and CR. In addition, the monitor units (MUs) for DMPO-IMRT were approximately 26% more than those of TS-IMRT and the segments of the former were approximately 24% less than those of the latter. Conclusion: Compared with CR, 3DCRT and IMRT improved the homogeneity and conformity of PTV, reduced the irradiated volume of OARs in high dose area but IMRT increased the irradiated volume of OARs in low dose area. DMPO-IMRT plan has fewer delivery time but more MUs than TS-IMRT. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the dose distribution and dose volume histogram (DVH) of the planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk (OARs) among conventional radiation therapy (CR), three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy 3DCRT), two-step intensity-modulated radiation therapy (TS-IMRT) and direct machine parameter optimization intensity-modulated radiation therapy (DMPO-IMRT) after breast-conserving surgery. Methods: For each of 20 randomly elected patients, 4 plans were designed using 4 irradiation techniques. The prescribed dose was 50 Gy / 2 Gy / 25 f, 95% of the planning target volume received this dose. The cumulated DVHs and 3D dose distributions of CR, 3DCRT, TS-IMRT and DMPO-IMRT plans were compared. Results: For the homogeneity indices, no significant significant difference was observed among CR, 3DCRT, TS-IMRT and DMPO-IMRT while the difference of the conformality metrics was statistically significant. With regard to the organs at risk, IMRT and 3DCRT showed a significant fewer exposure dose to the ipsilateral lung than CR in the high-dose area while in the low-dose area, IMRT demonstrated a significant increase exposure dose to ipsilateral lung, heart and contralateral breast compared with 3DCRT and CR. In addition, the monitor units (MUs) for DMPO-IMRT were approximately 26% more than those of TS-IMRT and the segments of the former were approximately 24% less than those of the latter. Conclusion: Compared with CR, 3DCRT and IMRT improved the homogeneity and conformity of PTV, reduced the irradiated volume of OARs in high dose area but IMRT increased the irradiated volume of OARs in low dose area. DMPO-IMRT plan has fewer delivery time but more MUs than TS-IMRT.
目的:对5株临床分离产ESBLs的鸡福氏志贺氏菌及1株头孢噻呋诱导产ESBLs的标准福氏志贺氏菌进行基因型鉴定,研究鸡福氏志贺氏菌ESBLs的分子进化机制。 方法:对标准福氏志贺氏
近期,阿玛尼接班人的问题被舆论吵得大热。乔治·阿玛尼最为器重的侄女罗伯塔·阿玛尼慢慢走近人们的视线。    英雄终将迟暮,纵然是将身材保持得很好,可以骄傲地穿着自己品牌的泳裤在加勒比海滩展露胸肌,引得旁人啧啧称赞的乔治·阿玛尼,也不得不面对自己已然七十多岁的高龄,以及外界不绝于耳的关于自己退休的争论!  作为意大利仅剩的“3G”设计师,乔治·阿玛尼对于工作的旺盛精力以及对于细节的精益求精,完好地诠
本研究参考GeneBank发表的传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)基因组序列,设计并合成了一对特异扩增IBDV VP2基因高变区的引物。应用RT-PCR法,对分离于信阳地区典型发病鸡群的IBDV(XX株)