Effect of bariatric surgery on adiposity and metabolic profiles: A prospective cohort study in Middl

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangyi101
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AIM To investigate changes in adiposity and cardio-metabolic risk profile following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in patients of Middle Eastern ethnicity with severe obesity.METHODS This prospective cohort study involved 92 patients who met the indications of bariatric surgery. Post-procedure markers of obesity and cardiometabolic profile were monitored regularly for a year.RESULTS Mean body mass index decreased by 29.5% from 41.9 to 29.5 kg/m~2 between baseline and 12-mo follow-up, while mean fat mass decreased by 45.9% from 64.2 kg to 34.7 kg. An improvement was also observed in the glucometabolic profile with both fasting glucose and HbA 1csubstantially decreasing(P < 0.001).CONCLUSION The present study shows the short to medium term(1 year) health benefits of bariatric surgery for patients of Middle Eastern ethnicity. AIM To investigate changes in adiposity and cardio-metabolic risk profile following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in patients of Middle Eastern ethnicity with severe obesity. METHODS This prospective cohort study involved 92 patients who met the indications of bariatric surgery. Post-procedure markers of obesity and cardiometabolic profile were monitored regularly for a year .RESULTS Mean body mass index decreased by 29.5% from 41.9 to 29.5 kg / m ~ 2 between baseline and 12-mo follow-up, while mean fat mass decreased by 45.9% from 64.2 kg to 34.7 kg. An improvement was also observed in the glucometabolic profile with both fasting glucose and HbA 1 csubstantially decreasing (P <0.001) .CONCLUSION The present study shows short to medium term (1 year) health benefits of bariatric surgery for patients of Middle Eastern ethnicity.
[内容摘要]高中政治学习可以帮助学生树立正确的人生观和价值观,为学生指引前进的方向。现在政治教学中融入了时事政治,真正做到将学到的知识运用到现实生活中,用所学知识解决生活中遇到的实际问题,提升学生的综合素质,本文主要分析了如何在政治教学中融入时事政治,提出一些建议,以供参考。  [關键词]高中政治教学 时事政治 影响 策略  时事政治是某个时间阶段发生的新闻总结,对政治局势的评价、政治格局的变化都
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