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2月28日上午,中国药学会2014年青年工作委员会首次会议在北京召开,中国药学会副理事长、青年工作委员会主任委员、沈阳药科大学党委书记吴春福教授主持会议。吴春福副理事长重点介绍了学会23届理事会首次设立青年工作委员会的重要目的、意义以及工作思路,特别强调在学会23届理事会领导下,积极建设学习型、服务型、创新型组织,全面增强大局意识、机遇意识、创新意识和服务意识,紧紧依靠青工委团队和广大药学青年才俊,严格按照学会章程和青工委职责,坚持民主 On the morning of February 28, 2014, the first meeting of the Youth Work Committee of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association was held in Beijing. Vice Chairman of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, Chairman of the Youth Working Committee, and Secretary Wu Chunfu of the Party Committee of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University presided over the meeting. Vice Chairman Wu Chunfu introduced the important purpose, significance and work train of thought of setting up the youth working committee for the first time in the 23rd council of the Institute, with special emphasis on actively building learning-oriented, service-oriented and innovative organizations under the leadership of the 23rd council, Strengthen the overall situation awareness, opportunity awareness, sense of innovation and sense of service, closely rely on the Youth Workers Committee and the vast majority of young pharmacists, in strict accordance with the statute of association and the responsibilities of Youth Work Committee, adhere to democracy
The electrochemical oxidation of sulfide on a polycrystalline platinum electrode was studied under potentiostatic condition when an external resistor is in seri
2014年6月17日,国家卫生计生委主任李斌在京会见了捷克卫生部部长涅麦切克(Svatopluk Něme?ek)一行,双方就进一步加强中捷卫生领域的合作深入交换了意见。李斌表示,近年来,
患儿男,8.5岁,因四肢关节疼痛、无力1个月余,四肢肿胀4 d、发热3 d入院.患儿于入院前1个月余出现双侧膝关节疼痛,于外院行X线关节平片检查无异常,未予特殊治疗,而后疼痛延及四肢其他关节,伴四肢无力,活动逐渐受限.近4 d患儿出现四肢及腰背部肿胀,关节疼痛及四肢无力逐渐加重,呈非游走性,活动或持重后加重,伴头颈部无力.近3 d出现发热,体温在38.5 ℃左右.病程中患儿无皮疹、光过敏、头痛、咳
The inclusion interaction between three types of methylated-β-cyclodextrins(Me-β-CDs)and albendazole(ABZ)was studied by spectrofluorimetry.The result showed t