Determination of Some Ethnomedicinally Important Constituents of Aegle marmelos Fruit During Differe

来源 :中国天然药物 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kmyzchenpeng
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AIM:Aegle marmelos is a medicinal herb belonging to the Rutacae family.The fruit of A.marmelos at each stage of ripening is used as ethnomedicine to cure various diseases.The aim of the present study was to determine the components contributing to the medicinal value of the A.marmelos fruit at different stages of ripening.METHODS:High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)was used to determine polyphenol,vitamins,organic acids and sugars in A.marmelos fruit at different stages of ripening.RESULTS:Tannin,a polyphenol responsible for astringent and antimicrobial properties of A.marmelos fruit was found to increase during ripening.Riboflavin,a vital medicinal component was detected in traceable amount only in full-ripe A.marmelos fruit.Ribofla-vin contributes towards body growth,reproduction and red cell production.The content of ascorbic acid(vitamin C)which is useful in preventing scurvy decreased significantly as fruit ripens.CONCLUSIONS:The difference in the medicinal effect of A.marmelos fruit at each stage of ripening might be due to the presence of different amount of polyphenol,vitamins and organic acids. AIM: Aegle marmelos is a medicinal herb belonging to the Rutacae family. The fruit of A. marmelos at each stage of ripening is used as ethnomedicine to cure various diseases. The aim of the present study was to determine the components contributing to the medicinal value of the A.marmelos fruit at different stages of ripening. METHODS: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine polyphenol, vitamins, organic acids and sugars in A.marmelos fruit at different stages of ripening .RESULTS: Tannin, a polyphenol responsible for astringent and antimicrobial properties of A. marmelos fruit was found to increase during ripening. Riboflavin, a vital medicinal component was detected in traceable amount only in full-ripe A. marmelos fruit. Ribofla-vin contributes towards body growth, reproduction and red cell production.The content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which is useful in preventing scurvy decreased significantly as fruit ripens. CONCLUSIONS: The difference in the medicinal effect of A.mar melos fruit at each stage of ripening might be due to the presence of different amount of polyphenol, vitamins and organic acids.
随着新课改的深入推行,要求教师在教学中不断创新教学方法,提高教学的有效性。小组合作学习是新课改理念下的有效教学方式,它对增强学生的数学学习有效性、提升学生合作学习能力和培养学生合作意识的发展具有重要且特殊的作用和优势。笔者结合教学实践,对小组合作学习方式在小学数学教学中的实施策略进行了探索研究。  一、科学合理组建小组,明确成员责任分工  在小学数学教学中开展小组合作学习教学,首先要组建学习小组,
一、小组合作学习的合理编组  小组合作学习是一种形式新颖,对学生参与团体活动具有促进作用的新型教学组织形式。积极有效的小组合作学习有利于形成一种良好的学习氛围,更有利于学生的学习。小组成员之间不断地鼓励和进行良性的竞争,不仅提高了学生的学习效率,在某种程度上也培养了学生的团结合作意识。  构建一个有利于学生学习的学习小组不是一件容易的事,小组内成员的学习状况和相互之间的关系都将直接影响到小组的整体
朗读教学是培养学生语言表达能力的有效途径和方法,对小学低年级学生而言意义重大。在小学低年级语文朗读教学过程中,应当基于低年级学生的特点,合理地选择教学模式和方法,注重培养学生自主学习的意识和能力,同时加强情感教育和提升语文素养,既要激发学生的兴趣,又要提高教学效果。本文结合个人教学实践,就新课标下的小学低年级语文朗读教学策略谈一下个人的观点与认识,以供参考。  一、合理选择朗读教学内容  小学低年
现在报纸上有一部分新闻,由于缺少新闻根据,读者看后不明白为什么此人此事现在成为新闻。由此,使新闻的真实性和公信力受到质疑,进而使新闻的传播效果大打折扣。为此, Now t
古诗词呈现的内容、表达的情感都特别深刻,创作年代久远,语言凝练度高,给教学带来了一定的困难。“释题目,知诗人;解难字,译全篇;悟情感,齐背诵”已成为现有惯用的教学模式。如何找出教学中的有效因素,改变教学策略,改进教学模式,激发学生的共鸣,提高古诗词教学效率,是当前小学语文教师应该关注的课题。  一、当前小学古诗词教学中存在的问题  (一)过分注重机械背诵,缺乏激趣引导  对于古诗词的研究,最重要的
一、巧用字理,激发学生识字兴趣  学生识字效率的高低与学生对汉字是否感兴趣成正比。传统的识字教学只注重字的读音、间架结构、笔顺、组词,教师把字当作一个个符号来教,久而久之,学生就会感到单调、枯燥,进而产生厌学的情绪。字理识字让学生明字理,了解汉字的构字方法,明白这个字为什么这样写,这样一来,学生就会对识字產生兴趣。  在教学中,我们可以把相同部首的字进行归类识字。一年级下册《小猴子下山》要求识记1
目的:   1. 观察不同培养条件(培养基种类、孵育温度、菌液浓度、孵育时间)下白念珠菌芽管的形成情况。   2. 观察大蒜素对白念珠菌芽管形成的影响。   方法:   1.