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随着新课程改革的不断深入,化学课堂教学更加强调教师对自己的角色定位,要求教师指导帮助学生形成良好的学习习惯,掌握学习策略。为学生的学习创设丰富的教学环境,激发学生的学习动机,培养学生的学习兴趣,建立接纳的、支持性的宽容的课堂气氛,与学生分享自己的感情和想法等。建立一个师生互动的动态生成式化学课堂,是我们完成以上目标一个好的课堂教学形式。化学课堂的动态生成是指在教师与学生、学生与学生合作、对话、碰撞的课堂中,现时生成的超出教师预设方案之外的新问题、新情况。它随着教学环境、学习主体、学习方式的变化而变化,根据教师的不同处理而呈现出不同的价值,使 With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, chemistry classroom teaching places more emphasis on teachers’ roles in their own roles and requires teachers to help them to form good study habits and acquire learning strategies. Create a rich teaching environment for student learning, stimulate students ’motivation to learn, cultivate students’ interest in learning, establish an accommodating and supportive classroom atmosphere, and share their feelings and thoughts with students. The establishment of a dynamically generated interaction between teachers and students in chemistry class, we accomplish the above goal a good classroom teaching. The dynamic generation of chemistry classroom refers to the new problems and new situations that are currently generated beyond the teacher’s pre-set program in the classroom of cooperation, dialogue and collision between teachers and students, students and students. It changes with the changes of teaching environment, learning subjects and learning styles, and presents different values ​​according to the teachers’ different treatment.
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