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有谁听说过,曹禺的《雷雨》,只许你演,不许我演;又有谁听说过,莎士比亚的《哈姆莱特》,只准这个团排,不准那个团排。但是,在我们戏曲界却不然。也不知道是谁,从什么时候起,立有一套不成文的规矩:一出戏要是谁演了,别人就再也不能问津了。久而久之,某些“角儿”养成了“霸戏”的习惯,动辄“这个戏是我的”。对于一些不小心排了“他(她)的戏”的同行,即使不大发雷霆,也要先给个白眼,从此耿耿于怀,来日非找个茬儿收拾一下对方不可。因此,很多有才华的演员,本来有演好某出戏的本领,但往往碍于此规,只得牺牲了这块“用武之地”。“一花独放”还是“百花齐放”,是艺术停滞或发展的根本关键。表演艺术本应千姿万态,异彩纷呈。在这里,既不能以艺术教条做框框,更不能让哪个个人任意“划地为牢”。任何演员都有充分的权利,在这一广阔的艺术天地里自由驰骋。那种限制人才、埋没人才的“霸戏”之规,应当坚决废掉。 Who heard that Cao Yu’s Thunderstorm only allowed you to play and not allow me to act? Who else heard of Shakespeare’s Hamlet? However, in our drama sector is not. Do not know who, from what time, there is an unwritten set of rules: If a play who play, others can no longer care about. As time passes, some “Kok children” develop the habit of “bully” and often “this show is mine.” For some accidentally arranged “his (her) drama” peers, even if not furious, but also to give a gossip, from a brooding future, Japan and Africa should not find a stubble clean up the other side. Therefore, many talented performers have the ability to perform well in a certain drama, but often because of this regulation, they have to sacrifice this piece of “useless force.” “One flower alone” or “All flowers bloom together” is the fundamental key to the stagnation or development of the arts. Performing arts should have different styles and different colors. Here, we can neither make the frame of art dogma, let alone let any individual be arbitrarily “jailed.” Any performer has full rights to ride freely in this vast art world. That limit talent, buried talent “bully” rules should be resolutely abolished.
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