
来源 :商品与质量·理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lnclnc
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  Abstract: This article present case study of personal space on cross-cultural communication. Personal space is one of the cultural differences that people first notice when dealing with individuals from other cultures. To be aware of the more precise aspect in our daily communication can ease the process to our communication goal and avoid the uncertainty and failure in cross-cultural or intercultural communication.
  Key Words:personal space;cross-cultural communication;case study
  Personal Space: Case Study of Cross-cultural Communication
  1. Introduction
  When you are waiting in a queue before an ATM, how close will you prefer to others? And how close will you prefer others to yourself? The first time you step into your dormitory you paid for one-year's sharing with others, do you feel content about it? Now, let's see the following two cases:
  Case 1: Jia had lived in the United States for 7 years before she came back to work in China. She found that she had become accustomed to social habits in North America and that some Chinese behaviors now caused her some discomfort. For example, one day, back in China, she was in a queue to use an ATM. She had noticed that people were standing very close to each other. In fact, the person behind her could, if he or she wanted, to see her enter the PIN of her ATM card. Jia wanted to make people aware of the discomfort of the user by keeping he distance from the person in front of her. However, the people behind her pushed her to move forward.
  Case 2: Li studies in America after graduation in a Chinese university. She lives there with a family of a couple with two kids. They lived in a house with 3-4 bedrooms, each about 10 square meters, and Li herself holds a small one. When talking about her life in Chinese campus, she told them about the dormitory she shared with 6-8 girls in China. The American family are surprised about that. They can not believe that one could share an less-than-20-square-meter dorm with so many.
  2. Analysis
  These two cases presented indicate the two categories the amount of space a being needs, immediate individual physical space (determined by imagined boundaries), which can be typically represented by the queue scene, and the space an individual considers theirs to live in (often called habitat), to which dorm condition serves as an example.
  Firstly, it seems that we Chinese have got used to the crowd with little personal space, partly due to our densely populated environment, and partly the consequence of historic affairs. We know that there have been times when consumer goods were in very short supply and people in line had to stand very close to one another to prevent others from cutting into the line. People tried to cut into a queue because that was the only way to make sure one could get one's share or to get things done sooner.
  We may feel resent about the closeness before the ATM machine while take it for granted in the Boiling Water Room. If you keep the same distance as when you do before the ATM machine as I once did, someone sure will cut into your line. According to psychologist Robert Sommer, this is the second aspect - dehumanization. He argues that, for instance on the subway, crowded people imagine those infiltrating their personal space as inanimate.
在农村金融市场,村镇银行等新型金融机构越来越多,农业银行建立了"三农"金融事业部,邮政储蓄银行一半以上的网点分布在农村地区,农村信用社坚持"立足社区、服务三农"的宗旨,为"三农"提供更优质的金融服务,商业银行也开始重视农村金融市场,农村金融市场逐渐呈现出金融企业集群的雏形。  一、金融企业集群及其效应分析  (一)金融企业集群概念的界定  目前,理论界对金融企业集群的涵义尚未达成一致意见。国外学者
一、引论  越南的革新开放和经济体制改革是在充满不确定性的国内外大环境背景下进行的,其中,限于越南的小型开放经济等特征,外部风险不断介入到其整体经济之中。在开放经济条件下,随着改革的不断深入和市场经济体制的不断完善,无论从广度还是深度上讲,货币政策有效性的含义都与封闭条件下有很大的区别,其不仅要努力实现经济的内部均衡,还需要综合外部因素考虑以实现外部均衡。  在开放经济条件下,越南的经济发展取得了
摘 要:微博作为近年来新兴的网络传播方式,日益受到世界范围内的广泛关注。人们纷纷通过微博发布海量信息,这种沟通媒介大有超过传统网络媒体之势。然后,随之出现的问题是,大量的微博内容被不加出处地转载,使得微博原创作人的权益受到干扰。本文通过对微博著作权属性的探讨,试图分析微博是否应被认为是我国著作权法上的作品而受到法律应有的保护,以揭示以法律途径保护其内容的合理意义。  关键字:微博 作品 著作权  
摘 要:本文针对当前职业师资力量的不足,严重制约着职业教育事业这一实际情况,论述了当前发展建设职业教育师资队伍的几点措施和应当注意的,强调职业教育师资队伍发展要注重一专多能、專兼结合、德才兼备、全面发展。  关键词:职业教育 师资队伍 培训 建设  在20世纪90年代以前,我国职业教育发展主要是通过大力兴办和发展中等职业教育来实现的,中等职业学校在人力资源开发中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。但由于多方
摘 要:在我们国家,在全国推行全民健身计划,竞技体育水平不断提高的形势下,学校体育也越来越受到各级领导的重视。在中职学校,在各级领导的关心和支持下,体育设施不断完善,体育教学工作正在快速发展。但是,为了适应形势,中职学校仍需根据自身实际情况,进行有针对性的体育课教学改革,促进体育课教学水平和质量的提高。提高体育课教学水平和质量的改革措施包括:一是树立责任感和荣誉感,质量观念和效率观念。二是教学过程
在当前全面落实科学发展观、建立和谐社会的大背景下,要实现企业的又好又快发展,必须充分发挥思想政治教育在企业管理中的积极作用和多方优势,增强企业的凝聚力和向心力,真正做到使其为企业发展排忧解难、保驾护航,促进企业和谐发展。  一、企业开展思想政治教育工作的必要性  正确认识思想政治教育的地位和作用,是做好思想政治教育工作的前提。邓小平同志曾提出,思想政治教育工作是我们党的真正的优势。江泽民同志曾说: