山河回响 纪念中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年

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1874年5月,日本出兵入侵我国台湾;1894年7月,中日“甲午战争”爆发;1900年8月,日本参与八国联军攻陷北京……1931年,日本发动“九一八”事变,我东北全境沦陷……1937年7月7日,日军制造卢沟桥事变,继而发动全面侵华战争,此后中国人民开始持续8年的全面抗战。回顾长达141年的日本侵华历史,这场持续8年的历史大决战是中日两个国家的殊死之战,是中华民族对异族侵略的殊死反抗。八年决战,生灵涂炭,山河破碎,文物毁失,战争的伤害在祖国大地与中华文明史上留下惨痛的记忆。经过8年艰苦卓绝的抗战,中华民族彻底摆脱了日本帝国主义的侵略和奴役, In May 1874, Japan sent troops to invade Taiwan of China; in July 1894, the Sino-Japanese “Sino-Japanese War” broke out; in August 1900, Japan participated in the attack by the Eight-Power Allied Forces on Beijing ... In 1931, Japan launched the “ ”Incident, the entire territory of Northeast China fell ... ... July 7, 1937, the Japanese made Lugouqiao Incident, and then launched a comprehensive war of aggression against China, since then the Chinese people began an eight-year comprehensive war of resistance. Recalling the history of Japan’s invasion of China for as long as 141 years, this historic large-scale battle, which lasted for eight years, is a desperate war between China and Japan and a desperate resistance of the Chinese nation against alien invasion. Eight years of decisive battle, charmed people, mountains and rivers broken, cultural relics destroyed, war damage in the motherland and the history of Chinese civilization left a painful memory. After eight years of arduous war of resistance, the Chinese nation has completely got rid of the aggression and enslavement of the Japanese imperialists,
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