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   Introduction Speech
   Lord Attenborough
  In 1)1970, when I was Chairman of BAFTA, I had the great honour of presenting the very first 2)Fellowship of all, and it went to Alfred Hitchcock. Since then, over all those years, but immediately in the first five years or so, two great actors were honoured with Fellowships: Laurence Olivier and Charlie Chaplin. And over the years there have been many more wonderful actors. But tonight’s recipient I do not believe ranks any less either in talent or in his contribution to the cinema.
  May I suggest that you welcome the finest actor of his generation, the 2008 Fellow of the Academy?
   Acceptance Speech
   Anthony Hopkins
  Thank you…Well, I have a speech but I’m not going to read it. That’s boring.
  The unstoppable, 3)indefatigable, extraordinary Lord Attenborough—fondly known as “Dickie,” an extraordinary man. I want to pay tribute to him, an extraordinary man, great film-maker and a great social worker, a great 4)benefactor, and a great friend. And I really want to say thank you—and I mean it with all my heart—what a great honour it is to receive this award from you. So that’s what I want to say.
  And thank you BAFTA, thank you for that very generous 5)applause, and thank you for that hugely 6)extravagant praise.
  All I can say is that my life in this acting game has just been one long7)drawn-out surprise. I’m surprised that I’m still here, for example. When I was a little kid, starting off in the 8)YMCA, Port Holbert, having no idea what I was gonna do, beside didn’t know what else to do, sure beats working for a living. But I used to jump on the back of those 9)double-decker buses and hold on to the white pole. I never wanted to go inside. I used to love swinging on (the) thing, you know, the wind in my face. And that’s been a 10)metaphor for my life in this business, because I didn’t know what else to do and, as I say, it sure beats working.
  And I want to thank all the great directors I’ve worked with and the great actors I’ve worked with and those courageous producers and the wonderful writers, and also to thank my beautiful wife, Stella, who takes care of my health and 11)well-being. And sometimes when we’re sitting in the 12)trailer at three o’clock in the morning and I’m eating a 13)lukewarm pizza, waiting for the last shot, she says to me, “Do you really think it’s worth it at this time of your life?” And I say, “Yeah!” It always has been worth it and I guess it always will be until I stop. And that’s all I have to say. I’m just a lucky guy to be here. I came to this business not knowing what I’d do. I still don’t know what I’m doing. Such a strange business. I’m just glad I’m a part of it. And, thank you all, very, very much. Thank you.






每个人的心目中都有一个不同的巴黎,每个人都迷恋着巴黎,因为这里凝聚着我们一切浪漫的梦想,承载着我们对美好生活的期望。今天,我们与美女历史学家Sandrine Voillet一起在巴黎的街头漫步,体会它的优雅与知性。    This is Paris, a city of romance and adventure, from the bars of its cafés to its 2)swing
有人说,每个名人都有一些不为人知的小秘密,更何况是世界上最年轻的亿万富翁。这个据说不喜欢穿袜子的人当然也非同寻常。    Mark Zuckerberg, the 1)mogul who is guiding its extraordinary growth. What everyone wants to know is: Is he old enough to be running a comp