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春天里,我老是忆起一个小镇的一条巷子,以及在这条巷子里走来走去的一个女人。原本就是一个令一切埋在深处的东西萌芽的季节吧,包括记忆。也包括巷子边又高又直的两排毛白杨,它们也在春天,把捂了一个冬天的心事,以杨絮纷飞的形式,慢慢悠悠地释放出来。这两排毛白杨大约都是雌性植株,一公里左右的巷子,被纷纷扬扬的杨絮弥漫,像雪花一样地飘落着,漫天飞舞。落到地上,薄薄的一层,又像是散落的棉絮。在地上,它们轻飘地存不住身,被风逐到墙根儿处,白花花一片。巷子的中间是一所小学校的后门,大门总是紧 In spring, I always remember an alley in a small town and a woman walking around in the alley. Originally, it was a season in which everything buried in the depths of the bud, including memory. Also includes alpine side of the tall and straight rows of white poplar, they are also in the spring, to cover a winter’s mind to poplar fluttering form slowly and slowly released. These two rows of white poplar are about female plants, about one kilometer of alley, was filled with poplar diffuse, falling like a snowflake, flying. Fall to the ground, a thin layer, like a scattered cotton. On the ground, they could not hold down in the air, and they were blown to the wall to the bottom. The middle of the alley is the back door of a primary school, the door is always tight
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