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统计的价值力是统计代理制的生命力,生命力是统计代理制存在的前提和发展的动力。影响统计代理生命力的因素是多维的。从各地统计代理试点的情况看,应积极协调四个主要矛盾、解决四个主要问题:协调宏观统计与微观统计的矛盾,加大统计代理的基层服务;协调报表统计与统计整体功能的矛盾,强化统计代理的实用功能;协调行政干预与市场调节的矛盾,理顺统计代理的权利关系;协调政府请客与基层买单的矛盾,增加统计代理的资源投入。通过强化统计价值功能、优化代理外部环境,统计代理制一定会焕发出无限的生机。 The value of statistics is the vitality of statistical agency system. Vitality is the prerequisite and motive force for the development of statistical agency system. The factors that affect the vitality of statistical agencies are multidimensional. According to the situation of pilot agencies in various statistic agencies, four major contradictions should be actively coordinated to solve four major problems: to coordinate the contradictions between macro statistics and micro statistics, to increase grassroots services of statistical agencies, to reconcile the contradictions between the statistics of statistics and the overall functions of statistics, Strengthen the practical functions of the statistical agency; coordinate the contradiction between the administrative intervention and the market regulation, straighten out the rights relations of the statistical agency; coordinate the contradictions between the government petition and the grass-roots pay and increase the resource investment of the statistical agency. By strengthening the function of statistical value and optimizing the external environment of the agency, the statistical agency system will surely give full play to its vitality.
尹×男31岁汽车司机住院号5359 1986年6月16日5时许,汽车驾驶室顶盖被装载的钢材压塌,头压挤在方向盘上,向左偏,右拳垫在右眼颞侧眶缘。五分钟 Yin × male 31-year-old ca
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