Durability of sea-sand containing concrete:Effects of chloride ion penetration

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weirguo
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This paper describes an orthogonal experiment on the effect of water/cement ratio,water consumption per cubic meter,curing time,and type of sand on the response“resistance to chloride ion penetration”.A sea-sand containing concrete was used for the trials.An analysis of chloride ion diffusion coefficients at different factor levels was performed.A predictive model of chloride ion diffusion in concrete is developed through regression analysis.The experimental results show that when the water/cement ratio varies from 0.45 to 0.60,and the water consumption per cubic meter varies from 185 to 215 kg,and the curing time varies from 30 to 180 d then the size of the effects fall in the order(most significant first): curing time,type of sand,water consumption per cubic meter,and water/cement ratio.Chloride ion penetration is reduced,and better durability of the concrete is observed,with longer curing times,less water consumption per cubic meter,and a smaller water/cement ratio. This paper describes an orthogonal experiment on the effect of water / cement ratio, water consumption per cubic meter, curing time, and type of sand on the response “” resistance to chloride ion penetration ". A sea-sand containing concrete was used for the trials. An analysis of chloride ion diffusion coefficients at different factor levels was performed. A predictive model of chloride ion diffusion in concrete is developed through regression analysis. the experimental results show that when the water / cement ratio varies from 0.45 to 0.60, and the water consumption per cubic meter varies from 185 to 215 kg, and the curing time varies from 30 to 180 d then the size of the effects fall in the order (most significant first): curing time, type of sand, water consumption per cubic meter, and water / cement ratio. Chloride ion penetration is reduced, and better durability of the concrete is observed, with longer curing times, less water consumption per cubic meter, and a smaller water / cement ratio.
<正> 1994年3月,南阳市化学制药厂在施工时,发现卧姿牛形铜灯1件。南阳市文物工作队得知情况后,即派人到现场调查,发现该器物出土于一残破砖室墓内,从周围散布的零碎陶片看,其时代应属东汉时期。卧姿牛形灯长19.2、宽8.5、高11厘米,重1125克(封底;图一、二)。牛呈正面卧姿,头昂起,两角,小耳,鼓眼,鼻
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