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新版《辞源》第1183页有“戊地”条。该条的阐释文字是;“古西域地名。唐时昭武九姓之一。见《新唐书》221《西域传下》《康》。《大唐西域记》一作‘伐地’。”那么,“戊”“伐”之间,哪个为确?抑或二者都对呢?我们推究的结果是,通行本《大唐西域记》的这个“伐地”,仍是“戊地”之误。研究者不难发现,《新唐书·西域传下》《康》与《大唐西域记》有着重要的因缘关系。《隋书》《康国传》以及《旧唐书》《康国传》均无“戊地”这一名称,而《旧唐书·经籍志》不曾著录但《新唐书·艺文志》则著录有《大唐西域记》。这说明刘昫等人莫能见到而宋祁等人则见到《西域记》。同时,我们看到《新唐书·西域传下·康》的内容,要比《旧唐书·西戎传·康国》多出好几倍。进而我们又从这里清楚地看出《新唐书·康》取材于《大唐西域记》的印迹来。例如《西域记》卷一所记飒秣建国(康)、捕喝(安)、劫布呾那(曹)、赭时(石)、弭秣贺(米)、屈霜你迦(何)等国名,在《新唐书·唐》中竟是一字不差的出现;此外还有一些 The new version of “Ci Yuan” the first 1183 page “e” bar. The interpretation of the article is; “ancient Western place names. One of the Tang Dynasty Zhao Wujiu. See” New Tang “221” spread “under the Western Regions”. “ What is true? Or both? The result of our investigation is that the passage of the ”cutting land“ of the ”Western Regions of Datang“ is still the error of ”e-land“ . It is not difficult for researchers to find out that there is an important relationship between ”Kang“ and ”Tang Dynasty’s Western Register“ under the passage of the New Tang Dynasty and the Western Regions. ”Sui Shu“, ”Kangguo Chuan“ and ”Old Tang“ ”Kangguo Chuan“ are not ”earthen“ of this name, and ”Old Tang Shu Jing Zhi“ has not been recorded However, ”New Tang Shu Yi Wen Zhi“ is recorded as ” Tang Western recorded. “ This shows that Liu Xie and others can not see and Song Qi et al see the ”Western Regions.“ At the same time, we can see that the contents of ”Biography of Kang in the New Tang Dynasty and the Western Regions“ are many times larger than that of ”the old Tang Dynasty, West Rong Chuan Kang-kuo.“ Furthermore, we clearly see here that ”New Tang Shu Kang“ is based on the imprint of ”Western Records of the Great Tang“. For example, ”Western Regions,“ a recorded volume Sama Jianguo (Kang), catch drinking (Ann), robbery cloth that the (Cao), ocher (stone), 弭 秣 He (m) Other countries, in the ”New Tang Shu Tang" was actually a word out there; in addition to some
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