A Study of Words Learning Strategies in Middle Schools

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  【Abstract】vocabulary learning strategy is a hot topic in the field of English teaching since 1970s. To understand the attitudes of junior high school students to vocabulary learning in the context of effective use of vocabulary learning strategies, this study was conducted at Tai Long Shan middle school. This article mainly introduces people’s attitudes towards vocabulary learning and discusses them. Word modification, guessing meaning from context, organizing vocabularies effectively, using dictionaries and management strategies. The final results show that the use of vocabulary learning strategies in English teaching is very worrying. According to the new curriculum standard, teachers should adopt new strategies in English teaching instead of traditional English teaching methods. Students’ learning efficiency. Therefore, teachers and students must strive to learn scientific vocabulary learning strategies.
  【Key words】vocabulary learning strategies; English teaching; junior high school students; attitude; acquisition
  【作者簡介】张艳(1992.6- ),女,安徽阜阳人,温州大学教师教育学院,课程与教学论硕士,研究方向:教学论。
  1. introduction
  With the development of globalization, English is becoming more and more important and popular around the world. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the society has put forward higher requirements for students’ English ability. Entering the twenty-first Century, the society urgently needs talents with intercultural communicative competence. Vocabulary is the foundation of English learning. It directly affects the acquisition of skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation in junior high school. It is very important for junior middle school students to use effective vocabulary learning strategies. Therefore, it is very necessary to train junior high school students. Learn how to learn words effectively and how to use some vocabulary learning strategies to help them learn.
  The importance of 1.1. research
  Vocabulary is one of the three elements of language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar). Vocabulary learning is very important for acquiring a second language. It is the basis of English learning. And the basic material of language. Wilkins, a famous English linguist, once said, “without grammar, few words can be expressed; without words, nothing can be expressed.” Most language practitioners learn a new language from the beginning of the vocabulary. The learning of vocabulary seems to be accompanied by the whole learning process of the learner, even after all the basic rules of grammar. I’ve learned it. Language beginners can not do anything without acquiring a certain number of new words, let alone listening, speaking, reading, writing or translating.   The number of words acquired by a language learner can be regarded as an indicator of his or her language ability. The effect of vocabulary learning has a direct impact on the further development of listening. Language learners’ reading, writing and translation.
  Linguists believe that learners who are able to learn words more effectively are very different from those who are inefficient in memorizing words. The acquisition of scientific vocabulary learning strategy LDS is two times the result and half the effort. With the increasing demand for vocabulary learning, there is still a big gap between students’ vocabulary learning strategies and teachers’ teaching. In addition, the study of vocabulary learning strategies in junior middle school is not enough. Therefore, the research in this paper is of great significance in the current situation.
  1.1 research issues
  What is the attitude of junior high school students to vocabulary learning?
  In order to better understand the use of vocabulary learning strategies in junior middle school, it is very necessary to understand students’ attitudes towards vocabulary learning. There are four statements in it. The questionnaire showed students’ attitudes towards vocabulary learning:
  (1) I don’t like new words.
  (2) I’m curious about the new words.
  (3) I think that language is very important.
  (4) I hope to have a lot of vocabulary.
  For students who disagree with each statement, they should fill in 1, hold neutral opinions, fill in 2, and agree to fill in 3.
  To what extent can junior middle school students use effective vocabulary learning strategies?
  Due to the underdevelopment of English Teaching in China, many English teachers spend little time in vocabulary teaching in class. Most middle school students are beginners in English. It is inevitable that, without teachers’ scientific guidance, they can learn words by rote memory. Therefore, students spend too much time on vocabulary learning and have little memory. They will soon be forgotten. The purpose of this study is to find out whether junior middle school students know and use effective vocabulary learning strategies and the extent to which they use vocabulary learning strategies.
  1.2 related vocabulary learning strategies
  Because of limited time, students can not learn all the vocabulary from classroom teaching. Therefore, what teachers need to do is to help students develop vocabulary learning. Wu’s strategy allows them to effectively master more words through their own efforts, especially outside the classroom. The following are the dents used in Junior English vocabulary learning strategies:   2.1 periodic review
  In class, students should learn new words by actively participating in various classroom activities, and encourage them to revise new words. Use Ned vocabulary regularly so that they can master the ownership of these words and begin to use them confidently. A regular review helps to maintain the maximum recall. Learners should do interval review in D, regularly review new learned words.
  2.2 effective organization of vocabulary
  There is evidence that if the information is stored in a special way, such as the related information stored together, or the new information is related to the previously stored information, it is more likely to be restored. It’s easy to find. Considering the huge vocabulary in English, it is necessary for teachers to guide students to organize the words they encounter. For example, students can be asked to take part in WR. Write the vocabulary in a notebook, but don’t put all the learning words in a list, but can guide them to organize the words according to different categories or specific topics. With C, students’ fonts are likely to increase significantly in terms of lexical organization.
  (1) uses Dictionaries
  The ability to use dictionaries correctly is an important strategy for autonomous learning. However, when students begin to look up new words in their diction, they should be guided. Arry. In classroom teaching, after trying other strategies, the teacher can ask the students to look up an unknown word in the dictionary. For more advanced learners, monolingual dictionaries should be a language. Encouragement is better than double sex language. But according to the state (2001), each type of dictionary has its own advantages. Generally speaking, monolingual dictionaries contain more information about each WOR. Compared with bilingual dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries make use of learners’ first language to make meaning available immediately in D.
  (2) management policy
  We should constantly guide students to evaluate the effectiveness of vocabulary learning strategies. According to their assessment, they may abandon certain strategies and try other strategies. Special teachers can also provide opportunities for students to share their learning experience so that they can learn from each other and expand their strategies, including more. However, it should be legal. Aren’t all strategies useful to everyone? Some people may find that some strategies are more useful than other strategies, because students have different learning styles. But it’s very important for the teacher. Introduce learning strategies to students, so that they can choose from their own experience after learning. (W, 2006:133)   1) research design
  The research design is divided into three parts: research topics, questionnaire design, survey process and calculation tools. It will be discussed as follows:
  2) research topic
  The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ vocabulary learning and vocabulary learning strategies. A total of 50 students from grade eight of Anqing Dalong mountain junior middle school were ED in this study. According to the findings, teachers can understand students’ vocabulary learning and vocabulary teaching more scientifically and effectively.
  (3) questionnaire
  The questionnaire can be divided into four parts. Questions 1 to four are designed to investigate students’ attitudes towards learning new words. Questions five to seven are to investigate students’ frequency of reviewing words and reviewing the words they learned. Questions 8 to 10 are about whether students guess the meaning of words and how they do DEA. Use the new word in the context. Questions 11 to 16 are about classifying words.
  2. conclusion
  The current situation of English vocabulary learning in junior middle school is worrying. In teaching practice, people’s responses to vocabulary learning are usually achieved through repetitive memory. T’s traditional vocabulary concepts and methods reflect the blindness of students’ vocabulary learning. Although most of the vocabulary work is students’ work, teachers’ guidance D help is invaluable. Junior high school students are the basis of learning vocabulary. Inevitably, they forgot the words they had learned. Many junior high school students should be patient in learning vocabulary. They do not want to spend time and energy reviewing and consolidating new words. Junior middle school teachers devote less time in vocabulary teaching. Classroom learning strategies. Therefore, it is very important for teachers and junior high school students to work together to learn vocabulary learning strategies.
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【摘要】课外阅活动,是小学英语教学的重要组成部分。教师在开展英语教学中,科学实施课外教学活动,帮助学生突破思维模式的限制,接触教材之外的英语材料。小学英语课外阅读活动的开展并不尽如人意,还存在着很多问题。积极更新教育理念,创新课外阅读活动组织形式,是有效实现课外阅读文就教学目标的必然措施。  【关键词】小学英语;课文阅读;问题;对策  前言  随着我国经济的高速发展,与世界接轨已成必然趋势,英语已
【摘要】工匠精神是一种敬业的态度,是对工作一丝不苟、精益求精的精神。高职英语教学有着工具性和人文性的特点,在高职英语教学中,融合工匠精神是十分必要的,作为教育工作者,我们应该转变观念,整合资源,既要注重教师的匠心精神,又要注重培养学生的工匠精神。  【关键词】高职英语;工匠精神;人文素养  英语作为一门必修的文化基础课,其核心素养不在于技能,而是运用本专业知识让学生了解西方文化,丰富其人生视野,进
【摘要】本文介绍了刘春燕学者编著的《英语产出能力与课程优化设计研究》一书的主要内容,并对其进行了简要评介。该书有助于读者深入了解以语言输出促进外语学习效果最优化的教学改革,进一步推动实证研究开展。  【关键词】英语产出能力 课程优化设计 语言输出 评介  一、内容简介  本书共有十六章。主要由绪论和四大部分组成。绪论为本书的第一章。  第一部分(第二至四章)阐述了本书的文献综述并介绍了本书的理论基
【摘要】本文着重研究多媒体的运用对提高少儿英语听力能力的重要性和应用。本文首先探讨了当代少儿英语听力教学中的常见问题和以及多媒体的运用对提高少儿英语听力能力的重要性。同时本文还提出了运用多媒体来提高少儿英语听力能力的具体方法和措施。在多媒体的帮助下,幼儿园的老师们能够更好地运用多媒体的综合功能提高幼儿们的英语听力能力,并且能够让他们在自主学习的状态中得到更多有用的听力材料。  【关键词】幼儿英语;
【摘要】随着教育事业的不断发展,中职院校的英语教育也得到了社会各界人士的广泛关注。良好的教育水平既可以为国家培养优秀的人才,还能够使中职院校得到更多人的认可。所以为了使中职英语教育更加适应社会的发展,国家教委推出了新的课程改革。根据新的要求,不仅使教师的教学模式发生改变,同时学生的学习方式也有了很大的转变。  【关键词】中职英语;英语教学  【作者简介】郑曼青,广东省汕头市潮阳区职业技术学校。  
【摘要】翻译是一个复杂的过程,除了两种不同语言之间的转换为译者带来困难外,文化的差异性也向译者提出巨大的挑战。因此,译者在翻译过程中须讲究翻译策略。尤金·A·奈达从语言学的角度出发,根据翻译的本质,提出了著名的“动态对等”翻译理论,即“功能对等”理论。笔者以《荷塘月色》的两个英译本(朱纯深译和葛浩文译)为例,阐述功能对等理论视角下的翻译策略。  【关键词】翻译策略;功能对等理论;《荷塘月色》  一
【摘要】学习英语的四个基本要素听、说、读、写,听力是英语学习基本要素的第一位,由此可见学好听力是学好英语的重中之重。但高中英語教学中,听力教学存在很多问题,教法枯燥乏味,学生没有兴趣,无法引起足够的重视。本文主要探讨目前高中英语听力教学中存在的问题以及解决的对策。  【关键词】英语听力;教学问题;解决对策  【作者简介】王婷婷,扬州大学附属中学东部分校。  高中英语教学的目的应是培养学生对英语的应
【摘要】词汇是学习英语的基石,词汇量的缺乏严重影响学生在学习英语时各方面能力的提升,而且不掌握一定量的词汇,任何的应试技巧也难有成效。本文列举了三种新高考背景下高中英语词汇教学的方法,并与传统的方法进行对比,以期给予高中英语词汇教学者一些相关的帮助。  【关键词】高中;英语词汇教学;总结反思  【作者简介】林敏蓉,福建省长乐第一中学。  引言  英语在生活中无处不在,学好英语不仅能提高学生的高考成
安徽省临泉第一中学  【摘要】所谓“教学”,已不是传统的老师满堂教,学生飞速记。随着新课改的实行,师生角色已变为“教师是教学过程的引导者,学生是主体。”“以学为本”是教学最本质的特征,也是教学系统科学发展观的必然结果,也是教学功能的集中体现。2012年走上工作岗位的笔者,备课时参考资料各种,教案上,书上写的密密麻麻,上課满堂讲,生怕自己有哪个知识点没讲到。发现自己很累,学生很烦;后来,逐渐摸索,现
【Abstract】This paper studies the necessity and rationales of the application of facilitative teaching and CLT English teaching in China and also the difficulties to di that by analyzing the current si