采取措施 强化酒类市场管理力度——访国内贸易部消费品流通司鲁纹处长

来源 :中国酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:markhai
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怎样看待我国目前酒类市场形势?我国酒类流通环节的管理现状如何?国家今后将如何进一步强化酒类市场管理?带着这些问题,记者近日采访了国内贸易部消费品流通司副食品处处长鲁纹同志,请她谈谈这方面的看法。记:我国是一个酒类生产与消费的大国,那么当前我国的酒类市场状况怎样呢? 鲁:当前我国酒类市场状况大致是:啤酒产销快速增长,白酒供求相对稳定或供略大于求,洋酒在前几年市场火爆之后近年来销售呈下降趋势;葡萄酒、黄酒等产销量则是稳中有升的局面。1996年我国啤酒产量达1631万吨,同比增长4%,产量居世界第二位。啤酒品种已由过去单一的12度黄啤,变为8度、10度等不同麦汁度的啤酒,啤酒消费已从城市走向农村,市场进一步拓宽,啤酒消费比重已占市场60% How do we view the current situation of the liquor market in China? How is the current status of the management of wine circulation in China? How will the country further strengthen the management of the liquor market? With these questions, the reporter recently interviewed the Director of the Department of Non-staple Foods of the Consumer Products Circulation Department of the Ministry of Internal Trade. Comrade Lu Wen asked her to talk about this view. Reporter: China is a big country for the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages. What is the current state of the alcoholic beverage market in China? Lu: The current state of the alcoholic beverage market in China is roughly: the rapid growth in the production and sales of beer, and the supply and demand of liquor is relatively stable or slightly higher than demand. Wine sales have been declining in recent years after the market was booming in recent years; the production and sales of wine, rice wine and other products are stable and rising. In 1996, China’s beer production reached 16.31 million tons, an increase of 4% year-on-year, and its output ranks second in the world. The variety of beer has changed from a single 12-degree yellow beer to a beer with a different degree of gravity, such as 8 degrees and 10 degrees. The beer consumption has moved from the city to the countryside and the market has been further expanded. The proportion of beer consumption has accounted for 60% of the market.
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