加强档案保护 做好库房测试——洪湖市档案馆库房改造与测试的作法和体会

来源 :档案学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yucunjiang
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近几年来,全国县级档案馆库房建设发展较快,极大地改善了档案的保管条件。但是,由于受财力、建筑水平等各方面条件的限制,加上《档案馆建筑设计规范》(以下简称《规范》)颁布较迟,以及各地自然气候条件的差异,不少新馆库在不同程度上存在着不符合档案保护技术要求的现象。如何充分利用现有库房建筑基础和设备,做好库房的改造与测试,是我们当前迫切需要研究和解决的问题。1987年春,湖北省档案局科教处与我们洪湖市档案馆达成协议,将我馆库房作为长江中游高温高湿湖区县级档案库房改造与测试的试点,共同进行《规范》指标效果的验证工作。经过近3年的努力,积累了大量的数据,取得了一定的效果。 In recent years, the construction of county-level archives treasury has developed rapidly, which has greatly improved the archival custody conditions. However, due to the constraints of various conditions such as financial resources and construction level, as well as the late promulgation of the Code of Archives Architectural Design (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”) and the differences in natural climatic conditions in various places, many new museums are different There is a degree of non-compliance with the technical requirements of file protection. How to make full use of the existing infrastructure and equipment of the Treasury and improve the rebuilding and testing of the Treasury is an urgent issue we need to study and solve. In the spring of 1987, Bureau of Science and Education of Hubei Provincial Bureau of Archives reached an agreement with our Honghu City Archives, taking the pilot project of rebuilding and testing the county archives warehouse in the middle and high reaches of the Yangtze River as our pilot project. After nearly three years of efforts, accumulated a large amount of data, and achieved some results.
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8月7日,经武汉市劳动局批准.武汉市各机关、团体、企业事业单位的档案管理人员从8月份起享受保健食品补贴待遇。 由于档案人员在门窗经常封闭,常年施放灭虫、杀菌,消毒化学
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