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档案库房是保存档案的重要基地,其建筑的好坏,直接影响到档案的安全保护.就目前各地档案馆建筑的情况看,有的档案馆在建筑时质量较好,达到或基本达到了城乡建设环境保护部和国家档案局批准颁布的《档案馆建筑设计规范》(以下简称《规范》)的要求,而有的则存在一定的差距.如何从实际出发,依据档案馆建筑的原基础,遵循“适用、经济、美现”的原则,用有限的资金,对档案馆进行有针对性的改造,使其温湿度达到或基本达到《规范》的要求,这是当前进行档案馆库房改造工作应该解决的问题.对此,钟山县档案馆作为广西档案馆库房改造的试点馆,进行了一次有益的尝试,在探索档案馆库房改造的新途径、新方法具有一定的现实意义.一、档案馆库房建筑的基本情况钟山县档案馆于1984年6月自筹资金兴建,工程总投资17万元,建筑面积1347M~2,使用面积973~2,其中库房面积515M~2.馆库建筑采用框架结构,高四层,南、北设封闭走廊,西墙墙体厚24CM.屋面为平顶钢性防水结构,并铺设40CM通风间层.档案库房是建筑的主体,集中布置,以中部楼梯分隔,西部二楼以上均为档案库房.档案整理室、检索室、阅读室、陈列室、办公室以及辅助用房,在一楼和东部各层布置.建馆当时,由于《规范》尚未下发,受认识水平、设计水平以及其他条件的制约,档案馆 Records storage is an important base to save the file, the quality of its construction, the direct impact on the security file. Look archives building on the current situation of the country, some archives of better quality in the construction, urban and rural areas reached or almost reached The Ministry of Construction and Environmental Protection and the State Archives approved the promulgation of “archives building design specifications” (hereinafter referred to as “norms”) requirements, while others there is a certain gap.How to proceed from reality, based on the archives building of the original basis, follow the principle “applies, the economy, the United States now,” and with limited funds, to archives targeted transformation, so that the temperature and humidity at or meet the requirements of the basic “Standard”, which is the ongoing transformation of the Treasury archives Should be solved.In this regard, Zhongshan County Archives as a repository of Guangxi archives reconstruction pilot museum, a useful attempt to explore new ways of archives warehouse transformation, the new method has some practical significance.First, Archives of the basic situation of the Treasury Building Archives in August 1984 self-funded construction of the Zhongshan County Archives, a total investment of 170,000 yuan, construction area of ​​1347M ~ 2, the use of an area of ​​973 ~ 2, of which Treasury area of ​​515M ~ 2. Library building frame structure, four high, south and north of the enclosed corridor, the wall thickness of the West wall 24CM. Roof flat waterproof steel structure and the laying of 40CM ventilation layer. the main building, centrally arranged, separated by a central staircase, the second floor of the west are more records storage. archival processing room, searching room, reading room, showroom, office and support space, the layers are arranged on the first floor and the east. built At that time, due to the “norms” have not yet been issued by the level of awareness, design standards and other constraints, the archives
追本溯源:英辉南方造船(广州番禺)有限公司位于广州市番禺区洛浦街沙溪西宁路40号,华南快速干线西侧,珠江主航道南岸,雄伟的番禺大桥与新光大桥之间,创建于伟人邓小平南巡讲话的1992年,2001年正式更为现名;2004年资产重组,是英辉南方控股(香港)有限公司的全资子公司,而母公司又由中船重工集团所属公司持股51%,中国海运集团所属公司持股49%,实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。  核心业务:英辉的
档案利用接待人员必须树立三种意识,具备三种能力,养成一个习惯。即: 树立开放意识。欢迎社会各方面前来利用,使档案部门由“冷门”变成“热门”,以增强全社会的档案意识,充
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