回首篇:去岁“不堪回首”今朝“谁主沉浮”至今,国人对去年那场旷日持久的彩电业价格大战依然记忆犹新。1996年3月26日,这是个令中国所有民族工业界人士都刻骨铭心的日子。这天,中国彩电大王——长虹集团突然发动闪电战,宣布大幅度降低彩电价格。保持达6年之久的彩电市场均衡态势遽然被打破。“风乍起,吹皱一江春水”。五天后的4月1日,TCL 王牌迅速作出反应,推出“拥抱春天”大让利活动。在此之后的短短一个月内,十几个彩电生产厂家也纷
Looking Back: To the aged “Bear back ” At present “Who is ups and downs” So far, the people of the United States last year that day-long color TV industry is still vividly remembered. On March 26, 1996, this was a day that made the people of all nationalities in China’s industrial circles unforgettable. On this day, Changhong Group, China’s color television king, suddenly launched a blitzkrieg, announcing a drastic reduction in color TV prices. The color TV market equilibrium situation that has been maintained for 6 years has been broken. “Wind ripples, blows a river, spring water”. Five days later, on April 1st, the TCL trump card quickly responded by launching the “Spring Embrace” campaign. In the short period of one month after that, more than a dozen color TV manufacturers have also come