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羊年3月,我随文化部美术教育考察团一行5人,访问苏联。六年前,我已回访过这个我曾经在那里留学的国家,并撰文介绍。如果说那次访苏,充满了与分别25年的旧友重逢之喜悦,那么这次访问则更多地带有深沉的思虑。三月的莫斯科,严寒逼人,苏联国内的局势也如这天气一样,显得十分严峻。苏联朋友讲,“现在是国家最困难的时刻”。尽管如此,我们所到的几所艺术院校,仍秩序井然。尤其是会见了不少苏联当今著名的艺术家,教授以后,我们更坚定了这样的信念:由列宁缔造的具有70多年光荣历史的苏维埃国家,想演变它,谈何容易!半个月的访问,使我思绪万千。在我们文艺界,也曾出现过各种思潮,在这种情况下,我们便面临着一些不能不思考的问题,例如怎样对待几千年来的传统文化?如何看待几百年来艺术教育的传统?如何评价社会主义的文艺?尤其是源于西 In March of the Year of the Goat, I visited the Soviet Union with a delegation of 5 from the art education delegation of the Ministry of Culture. Six years ago, I had visited this country where I had studied and wrote an introduction. If that visit to the Soviet Union was filled with the joy of reunion with 25 years of old friends, then this visit will have more profound thoughts. In March, Moscow was in a severe cold, and the situation in the Soviet Union was as severe as the weather. Soviet friends say that “it is now the most difficult time for the country.” In spite of this, the few art academies we visited are still in order. In particular, after meeting with many famous Soviet artists and professors, we have strengthened our conviction that the Soviet state founded by Lenin, with a glorious history of more than 70 years, wants to evolve it and how easy it is to make it! The two-month visit made me I have many thoughts. In our literary and art circles there have also been various trends of thought. Under such circumstances, we face some problems that we can not but think about, such as how to treat the traditional culture for thousands of years and how to treat the art education for centuries Tradition? How to evaluate the socialist literature and art? Especially from the West
李贽认为人际关系形成和发展的动力是“天下尽市道之交”, 并且对人际关系的种类进行了划分;他反对人际关系的等级模式,力主人际间的平等关系;他反对依附型的人际关系, 提倡人际交
Polymerization of 2-(4-halophenyl)-1,3-butadiene(2-XPB)and their copolymerization with isoprene using a yttrium catalyst have been examined.The β-diketiminato