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1997年12月29日,八届全国人大常委会第29次会议审议通过了《中华人民共和国献血法》。这部法律就我国的献血制度、法律适用范围、无偿献血者的权利、义务及采供血机构的设置管理和血液及临床用血管理等都做了明确规定。日前,记者就《献血法》有关问题采访了卫生部副部长王陇德。 记者:我国为什么要对无偿献血进行立法? 王陇德:这要从几个方面说明。一、我国医疗临床用血形势严峻,供需矛盾紧张。据统计,全国年医疗用血量近800吨,年需供血400余万人次,并且医疗用血以每年7%~10%的速度递增,供血队伍相对不足。二、血源队伍管理混乱,血液质量问题日趋严重。我国70%的医疗临床用血来自职业供血队伍。职业供血者多为农民,文化素质低。在有偿供血的经济利益驱动下,他们中的一些人频繁供血,造成血液质量下降。同时,这一经济关系不但为不法分子组织冒名顶替公民义务献血、强迫他人卖血,从中牟取暴利的行为提供了滋生的土壤,也为血液传播疾病提供了温床。据统计,个别供血人群中乙肝患病率为30%~ On December 29, 1997, the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People’s Congress examined and adopted the “People’s Republic of China Blood Donation Act.” This law clearly stipulates the system of blood donation in China, the scope of application of the law, the rights and obligations of unpaid blood donors, and the management of blood collection and blood supply institutions, as well as blood and clinical blood management. A few days ago, the reporter interviewed Wang Quande, Deputy Minister of Health, on issues relating to the “blood donation law.” Reporter: Why does China have to make legislation on blood donations without compensation? Wang Yude: This has to be explained in several ways. First, China’s medical clinical blood situation is grim, and tension between supply and demand is tense. According to statistics, the annual medical use of blood in the country is nearly 800 tons, and more than 4 million blood donors are required each year, and medical blood is increasing at a rate of 7% to 10% per year. The blood supply team is relatively insufficient. Second, the management of the blood source team is chaotic and the problem of blood quality is becoming increasingly serious. 70% of clinical blood use in China comes from professional blood donors. Occupational blood donors are mostly farmers, and their cultural quality is low. Driven by the economic benefits of paid blood supply, some of them frequently provide blood and cause blood quality to drop. At the same time, this economic relationship has not only provided a breeding ground for criminals to organize blood donations by imposing an obligation on behalf of citizens, forcing others to sell their blood, and to profit from it, but also provided a breeding ground for blood-borne diseases. According to statistics, the prevalence of hepatitis B in individual blood donors is 30%~
本实验采用红细胞膜碎片生理盐水悬液0.3 ml/100g体重iv以封闭SD大鼠单核吞噬细胞系统(MPS),30min后静注灭活并反复冻融的大肠杆菌(O~(111)B_4)1000亿个细菌/ml的生理盐水悬
目的 为探讨心绞痛对心肌梗塞后心功能的影响。方法 对 1 4 5例急性心肌梗塞 (AMI)患者临床回顾性分析 ,阐明梗塞前心绞痛 (PAP)对心肌梗塞范围、梗塞后并发症及恶性心律失
案例1 王某,女,42岁。患者周身皮肤泛发红色丘疹,瘙痒,入夜更甚,搔后疹色鲜红。遇风、寒、热、症状均加重,病约一年,曾服用消风散,当归饮子无效,来我门诊治疗。证属邪在卫分,
FAS/FASL 相互作用所引发的免疫细胞凋亡在移植免疫中的作用倍受关注。新近的研究已从 FAS/FASL 在机体免疫赦免中所起的作用,引伸于探讨异源移植物的免疫耐受机制,较多的研