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随着特区政策优势的逐步弱化、投资成本的不断上升,深圳以“三来一补”为支柱的工业愈来愈受到严峻的挑战,工业投资率已由“八五”初期的44%下降到1995年的14.1%。由此可见,进行有效的工业结构调整,尽快建立起新的支柱工业已成为深圳经济持续高速发展的重大课题。 一、深圳进行第二次创业的产业选择 在世界经济体系中,中国属于外缘工业地区,即靠接受发达国家的技术、资金和生产方式的扩张来进行工业化,是典型的以进口替代与出口鼓励相结合为主的快速发展工业的道路。这出就决定了东部沿海地区在经历了劳动密集型生产阶段以后,其发展方向和目标应该是工业的不断更新换代,逐步提高制成品的技术含量,从外缘向工业化中心地区发展,最终向“后工业社会”过渡。 从深圳来看,1995年其第一产业占国民生产总值(GNP)的2%,第二产业占52%,第三产业占46%。而工业内部结构仍以劳动密集型为主,其比例高达80%,这表明大力发展资金和技术密 With the gradual weakening of the advantages of the Special Administrative Region’s policies and rising investment costs, Shenzhen’s industry with “three contributions and one supplement” as the pillar has been increasingly challenged. The industrial investment rate has dropped from 44% in the early period of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” to 14.1% in 1995. It can thus be seen that effective industrial restructuring and the establishment of new pillar industries as soon as possible have become major issues for the sustained and rapid development of the Shenzhen economy. First, industrial selection for the second venture in Shenzhen In the world economic system, China belongs to the industrial zone of the outer periphery, that is, relying on the expansion of technology, capital, and production methods of developed countries to carry out industrialization, which is typical of import substitution and exports. Encourage the combination of rapid development of industrial roads. This will determine that after the eastern coastal region has experienced labor-intensive production stages, its development direction and goal should be the continuous upgrading of industries, gradually increasing the technological content of manufactured products, and developing from the outer edge to the industrialized central region. To the “post-industrial society” transition. From Shenzhen’s point of view, in 1995 its primary industry accounted for 2% of gross national product (GNP), secondary industry accounted for 52%, and tertiary industry accounted for 46%. While the internal structure of the industry is still mainly labor-intensive, the proportion of which is as high as 80%, indicating that the development of funds and technology
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