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扬州地区多管局于5月6日至9日在江都县召开池杉育苗会议。出席会议的有全区十一个县、市的代表共92人。南京林产工业学院、省林科所和省植物研究所也应邀派员参加了会议,并作了技术报告。 与会代表参观了江都县绿洋公社林场、江都县林业站等单位的现场;交流了池杉育苗和造林的经验;落实了今年全区池杉育苗的计划(今年育苗1766.77万株,其中夏插528.00万株,秋插691.30万株)。 池杉具有生长迅速、树干通直、能耐水湿、病虫害少、材质良好等优良特性,是平原地区很有发展前途的树种。扬州地区为里下河水网地区,发展池杉潜力很大。过去,他们在大力发展水杉生产的同时,曾发展过一些池杉。现在,决心紧跟英明领袖华主席进行新的长征,进一步加速发展池杉,为尽快解决我省地方用材自给作出更大的贡献。 Yangzhou District Authority on May 6 to 9 in Jiangdu County convened seedling conference. A total of 92 delegates attended the meeting from eleven counties and cities in the region. Nanjing College of Forestry, the provincial Forestry Institute and the Provincial Institute of Botany were also invited to attend the meeting and made a technical report. Participants visited the scene of the units of Greenland Commune Forest Farm in Jiangdu County and Forestry Station in Jiangdu County; exchanged the experience of nursery and afforestation of Ipomoea aquatica; implemented the plan of nursery pond seedling raising in this year (17,667,700 nursery plants this year 5.28 million, autumn insert 6.91 million). Ipomoea with rapid growth, trunk straight, water resistant, less pests and diseases, good material and other fine features, is a very promising species of plains. Yangzhou area for the next river network area, the development of a great potential. In the past, they vigorously developed the Metasequoia production at the same time, had developed some of Ivy League. Now, determined to follow the wise leader, Chairman Hua to carry out a new long march to further accelerate the development of Iwatami, in order to solve our province as soon as possible to make greater contributions to the local timber self-sufficiency.
Ha ha,I made a candle salad(蜡烛沙拉)at my birthday party.Do you want to make one?Let me show you how to make it. Ha ha, I made a candle salad (at salad party)