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四川汶川发生历史罕见的特大地震灾害后,举国同悲。国家领导人率先垂范的忘我精神,恰似吹响了集结号。全国各地各族人民开展了爱心大救援,有钱出钱,有力出力。政协委员成为这支爱心大军中醒目的一部分。 After Wenchuan, Sichuan, a rare earthquake hit the history of the country with the sad. The selfless demeanor pioneered by the national leaders is like a sobering assembly. The people of all nationalities across the country have carried out love and rescue, with money and money, and exerts themselves to their utmost. CPPCC members to become an eye-catching part of this force of love.
<正> Ericsson研制的飞机上的小型高重复率激光测距仪可使现存系统变得更高级,它与瞄准和武器发射系统结合,在飞机俯冲攻击时能提高精度和增加安全性。测距仪采用的模块化设
The non-edible crude rice bran oil was extracted from white rice bran, and then was catalyzed by immobilized lipase for biodiesel production in this study. The
Chinese cinemas with the capacity to show 3-D and IMAX movies will be the second direct bene ciaries,after U.S. lm studios,of the new agreement. Chinese cinema
The palladium-salen complex palladium(Ⅱ) N,N’-bis{[5-(triphenylphosphonium)-methyl]salicylidene}-1,2-ethanediamine chloride was found to be a highly active ca
2010年5月28日,中央国家机关第三届职工运动会在国家奥林匹克体育中心举行开幕式。中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强宣布运 On May 28, 2010, the 3rd Workers’ Gam
Acylation of sterically hindered alcohols is frequently encountered in synthetic chemistry. An efficient and mild procedure for tosylation and esterification of
据《Semiconductor World》Vol.20,№.9上报道,东芝公司发表了一种32M 的虚拟 SRAM(Pseudo SRAM,以下简称为 PSRAM),型号为 TC51W3216XB。该 PSRAM 是一种结构单元类似于 DR