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争创名牌,已成为越来越多的企业的奋斗目标。名牌为企业开创了市场,赢得了消费者,创造了巨额利润,招来了声誉。但是时下许多企业却很少考虑企业应对名牌尽什么责任。因此,名不副实的“名牌”尽管应运而生,却逃避不了短命的厄运,有些确曾名噪一时的名牌也因后天不足而消声匿迹。市场经济下的企业需要名牌,对外开放的中国更需要名牌。但是如何创造名牌并且使之长久地名下去,是比名牌本身更为重要的问题。名牌的根基在于上乘的质量和先进的科技。企业要想以名牌求生存,促发展,必须以过争创名牌,已成为越来越多的企业的奋斗目标。名牌为企业开创了市场,赢得了消费者,创造了巨额利润,招来了声誉。但是时下许多企业却很少考虑企业应对名牌尽什么责任。因此,名不副实的“名牌”尽管应运而生,却逃避不了短命的厄运,有些确曾名噪一时的名牌也因后天不足而消声匿迹。市场经济下的企业需要名牌,对外开放的中国更需要名牌。但是如何创造名牌并且使之长久地名下去,是比名牌本身更为重要的问题。名牌的根基在于上乘的质量和先进的科技。企业要想以名牌求生存,促发展,必须以过硬的质量创造一流的产品,争得名牌的地位,赢得名牌的声誉。纵观久盛不衰的名牌产品,没有一个不是以其过硬的质量而称雄市场的。内蒙古鄂尔多斯羊绒衫厂是目前世界上规模最大的羊绒加工企业及羊绒衫生产厂家。在改革开放的市场经济大潮中,这个厂始终坚持严把产品质量关,瞄准国际先进水平制订质量标准,采用先进技术,优化产品结构,使无毛绒产品一等一级品率一直保持在100%,羊绒衫一等品率一直保持在98%以上,“鄂尔多斯”牌羊绒衫品牌知名度和市场占有率在全国同类产品中均名列榜首,其产品不仅在国内50多个大中城市畅销不衰,而且还在国外建立了5家合资营销公司。但是也有这样的企业,经过 Creating brand names has become the goal of more and more companies. The brand name created a market for the enterprise, won the consumer, created a huge profit, and attracted a reputation. However, many companies nowadays seldom consider what the company should do to deal with brand names. Therefore, despite the fact that the unworthy “brand name” came into being, they couldn’t escape the short-lived misfortune. Some of the well-known name brands also disappeared due to lack of success. Companies in the market economy need brand names, and China, which is open to the outside world, needs brand names. But how to create brand names and make them last for a long time is a more important issue than the brand name itself. The brand name is based on superior quality and advanced technology. If an enterprise wants to survive by brand names and promote development, it must create a brand name through competition and become a goal of more and more enterprises. The brand name created a market for the enterprise, won the consumer, created a huge profit, and attracted a reputation. However, many companies nowadays seldom consider what the company should do to deal with brand names. Therefore, despite the fact that the unworthy “brand name” came into being, they couldn’t escape the short-lived misfortune. Some of the well-known name brands also disappeared due to lack of success. Companies in the market economy need brand names, and China, which is open to the outside world, needs brand names. But how to create brand names and make them last for a long time is a more important issue than the brand name itself. The brand name is based on superior quality and advanced technology. If an enterprise wants to survive by brand names and promote development, it must create first-rate products with excellent quality, win the status of being a famous brand, and win the reputation of being a famous brand. Throughout the long-standing reputation of brand-name products, no one is not dominating the market with its excellent quality. Inner Mongolia Erdos cashmere sweater factory is currently the world’s largest cashmere processing company and cashmere sweater manufacturer. In the midst of the reform and opening up of the market economy, this plant has always insisted on strict product quality control, aimed at the international advanced level to develop quality standards, adopted advanced technology, optimized product structure, and kept the first-class product rate of dehaired cashmere products at 100%. %, the first grade of cashmere sweater has been maintained at more than 98%, ”Ordos” brand cashmere sweater brand awareness and market share ranked first in the country in similar products, its products are not only in more than 50 large and medium-sized cities in China Best-selling, but also established five joint venture marketing companies abroad. But there are also such companies, after
在学校管理的实践中,我校从实际出发,坚持校务公开,有效化解了矛盾,在凝聚民心、民力和民智,实现公平、公正、公开等方面都产生了显著作用。 In the practice of school man
张娟娟,初二(1)班班长,校学生会宣传部部长。老师对张娟娟的评价是,这孩子没挑!学习、工作、纪律、活动,事事跑在前面,还都做得有模有样。娟娟的成绩一直是班里的前三名,前不久还被评为市里的优秀学生干部。同学们也认为张娟娟是热心为大家服务的好同学。  可张娟娟也有毛病——她特爱管闲事。要说她管的那些闲事是挺招人烦的。地铁车厢里,愣是有人随地吐痰;公共汽车上,老人东倒西歪,就是没人让座;最可恨是公园里竟
位于上海乌鲁木齐南路的Glo London餐厅,是一个体验英伦美食的好去处。印象中,英国最流行、最具代表性的食物要属炸鱼薯条了,将去除刺和骨的鱼,切片后裹上湿面团,然后进行油
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一、 活动导入  播放歌曲《纯真的年代》  “……相爱的日子有多美 / 纯真的年代像流水……”听到这熟悉的歌声,我们心中就有一种涌动,初次接触爱情的感觉是很美很纯的,是成长的一份最为美好的礼物,可是在这纯真的年代,被爱打扰的人尝到的是更多的青涩滋味。 今天老师和同学们一起来谈谈有关爱情的话题。让我们一同去感受爱、去体悟爱吧。  二、 活动过程  (一)七嘴八舌说早恋  师:在今天的活动课上大家不要