The challenge of Internet finance to traditional finance

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  ABSRTACT: In the era of rapid development of information technology, Internet finance has emerged and developed rapidly. Internet finance can make people and consumers in the process of using transactions more quickly and more convenient to complete the corresponding work, so the Internet finance model is more advantageous than the traditional model, and presents many advantages. Secondly, Internet finance can distribute the resources optimally, which makes the allocation more efficient, and the cost of information processing is lower than traditional finance. For traditional finance, it is necessary to explore and exploit the differences between traditional finance and Internet finance if we want to achieve sustainable and stable development, take their respective strengths and build on them so that the crisis becomes a new model of development.
  Keywords: Internet Finance; Traditional Finance; Challenge
  一、 The challenge of Internet finance to traditional finance
  With the application of Internet finance, in the field of financial business, to a large extent, the decline of customer traffic in traditional finance, which makes traditional finance face huge challenges, and for Internet finance, the business that the client should transact is to be given priority to with convenient and quick, it is the client saves time maximally while achieving the highest efficiency, this formed sharp contrast with traditional finance, which indirectly leads to the decline of traditional financial customers. Therefore, in view of this situation, if traditional finance can not effectively control and retain customers and the loss of customers in a timely manner, it will lose its effective position in the confrontation with Internet finance, to be truly sustainable.
  二、 The effective strategies of traditional finance to meet the challenge
  If the traditional finance is to be competitive when the Internet finance is developing vigorously, it is necessary to focus on developing the characteristics and advantages of the traditional finance itself, and fully recognize the shortcomings and disadvantages of the traditional finance, in view of its insufficiency and the inferior position carries on the further optimization. And in the process of development and optimization, can not be found in time to make up for the defects and repair, so as to achieve the true sense of perfection. At the same time, traditional finance should also continuously renew and reform in the light of its own situation and the changes of the market, so as to optimize the allocation of resources to the highest, best and perfect, and make the use of funds and share the degree of an essential upgrade, further strengthen the establishment of customer data, so that the traditional financial competitiveness has an essential rise.
  In addition, after comparing traditional finance with Internet finance, it can be concluded that traditional finance is more convenient in financing and capital processing, and has a long history of development experience, he also has a wealth of practitioners and contacts. With the help of these innate advantages, traditional finance can further develop and improve its own characteristics and mechanisms, upgrade and optimize its services in this regard, and effectively improve the quality and level of its business operations, and constantly improve their own equipment and facilities construction, highlighting the characteristics of traditional financial services themselves, and further strengthening and publicizing the credibility and security of traditional finance, to provide customers with a more complete and safe comprehensive financial services.
摘要:习近平总书记在 2019 年学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会上,从党和国家事业长远发展的战略高度出发作出部署、提出要求,认为青少年是祖 国的未来、民族的希望,把立德树人根本任务落实到位,是培养一代又一代社会主义建设者和接班人的重要保障。本文将立足新时代、新形势,围 绕如何将高校党建工作与立德树人教育相融合,充分发挥党建育人功能展开研究,力求在深入落实立德树人根本任务的同时,进一步深入探讨高校 党
摘要:随着社会不断进步,高职汽车教学的实践过程中,应该以职业能力培养为导向,科学全面地提升以及优化学生的实践素养以及应用能力,更好地促进学生的职业发展。在高职汽车教学的实践中,学生才是关键性的学习主体。教师作为汽车教学的主要引导者,有必要深入全面地顺应时代的发展潮流,科学全面地开展汽车教学工作,真正提升学生的职业化能力。  关键词:职业能力;高职汽车;汽车教学  汽车专业是高职院校的主要设置专业之
一、案例背景  受疫情的影响,在响应国家“停课不停学”政策的号召的同时,结合实际情况,各班通过钉钉平台进行了线上直播教学。线上教学与线下教学的差异性增加了我们教学难度的同时,也给我们提供了挑战的机会。从老师到主播,我们跟着学生一起成长;从图片的搜集到资料的整合,我们变成了课件达人;从线上教学的间接性到课堂教学的直接性,我们优化教学内容,尽力让学生当堂消化。即使如此,我们依然面临重重困难,在看不到学
摘要:在小学数学的教学工作中,教师需要全方位以學生作为教学工作的中心,实现对学生定向化地教学培养,例如结合小组教学模式,让学生在课堂上进行积极自主地探讨,而教师在该过程中则需要实现对学生有效地教学引导,促进学生全方位地成长和发展。  关键词:小学数学;教学;“以学为中心”  引言:  在当前“以学为中心”的教学理念下,小学数学教师需要整合多样化的教学策略来实现对学生有效地教学引导。在传统的教学工作
摘要:随着教育发展,课堂教学方式已经不在局限于单纯的教师传授,教学手段开始呈现多样化的形式。任务驱动法也开始被广大数学教师应用,意在驱动学生自主进行探究式学习,有效强化教学实效性。但是通过观察可以发现,任务驱动法的应用效果与预期存在一定差距,甚至变成了一种教学创新的指标。高中数学教师需要对任务驱动法的应用作出思考,实现相应的教学价值,增强学生数学学习能力,并引导学生不断探索更为未知的元素。  关键
摘要:有教无类的教学模式只是针对学生群体,倡导教师在教学过程中不能轻易放弃每一位学生。而精准化个性教学是指针对学生现有的学情特点,来实施针对性的专业教学模式的研究。尤其是在针对数学学科的教学过程中,要克服数学学科自身的学科特性,以此来帮助学生更好地学好数学。因此本文将通过对学生现阶段学情状况进行分析,从实际中来探究个性化教学的实践策略。  关键词:学情;精准分析;个性化教学  一、引言  数学学科
摘要:在新课改的背景下,高职学校的教育模式在不断发生改变,这也给高职学校的思想政治教育带来着挑战,为了适应新的形势,本篇论文主要对高职学校思想政治教育的模式进行探索,创新教育的模式,进一步提升高职学校思想政治教育的实效性和针对性。  关键词:高职学校;思想政治课程;教育模式;实践;探索  高职学校的思想政治的课堂是对高职院校全体学生进行思政教育的主要阵地和主要渠道,思想政治课程的教学成效和质量直接
摘要:俗话说,愚者攻城,智者攻心。管理好一个班级,仅仅靠一颗责任心是远远不够的,还需要有一定的谋略。只有讲究方法,巧谋善干,才能将班级各项工作开展得有声有色、风生水起。班主任是学生在校学习、生活的管理者、组织者,在基础教育阶段起着十分重要的作用。要全面提高班级整体素质,树立良好的班风,使学生身心得到个面发展,除了要努力提高班主任自身素质外,掌握和使用管理班级的智慧与技巧至天重要。  关键词:班主任