Curcuminoids Target Decreasing Serum Adipocyte-fatty Acid Binding Protein Levels in Their Glucose-lo

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Whether supplementation of curcuminoids decreases serum adipocyte-fatty acid binding protein(A-FABP) level and whether this decrease benefits glucose control is unclear.One-hundred participants(n=50 administered curcuminoids,n=50 administered placebo) from our previous report on the effect of curcuminoids on type 2 diabetes in a 3-month intervention were assessed for levels of serum A-FABP,oxidative stress,and inflammatory biomarkers.Curcuminoids supplementation led to significant decreases in serum A-FABP,C-reactive protein(CRP),tumor necrosis factor-α,and interleukin-6 levels.Curcuminoids supplementation also significantly increased serum superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity.The change in serum A-FABP levels showed positive correlations with changes in levels of glucose,free fatty acids(FFAs),and CRP in subjects supplemented with curcuminoids.Further stepwise regression analysis showed that A-FABP was an independent predictor for levels of FFAs,SOD,and CRP.These results suggest that curcuminoids may exert anti-diabetic effects,at least in part,by reductions in serum A-FABP level.A-FABP reduction is associated with improved metabolic parameters in human type 2 diabetes. Whether supplementation of curcuminoids decreases serum adipocyte-fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) level and whether this decrease benefits glucose control is unclear. One-hundred participants (n = 50 administered curcuminoids, n = 50 administered placebo) from our previous report on the effect of curcuminoids on type 2 diabetes in a 3-month intervention were assessed for levels of serum A-FABP, oxidative stress, and inflammatory biomarkers. Curcuminoids supplementation led significantly reduced in serum A-FABP, C-reactive protein (CRP) , tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6 levels. Curcuminoids supplementation also increased increased serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The change in serum A-FABP levels showed positive correlations with changes in levels of glucose, free fatty acids (FFAs) , and CRP in subjects supplemented with curcuminoids. Future stepwise regression analysis showed that A-FABP was an independent predictor for levels of FFAs, SOD, and CRP. These results suggest that c A-FABP reduction is associated with improved metabolic parameters in human type 2 diabetes.
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