Nonlinear dynamic response analysis of supercavitating vehicles

来源 :中南大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yifengwuyang
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A finite element model for the supercavitating underwater vehicle was developed by employing 16-node shell elements of relative degrees of freedom.The nonlinear structural dynamic response was performed by introducing the updated Lagrangian formulation.The numerical results indicate that there exists a critical thickness for the supercavitating plain shell for the considered velocity of the vehicle.The structure fails more easily because of instability with the thickness less than the critical value,while the structure maintains dynamic stability with the thickness greater than the critical value.As the velocity of the vehicle increases,the critical thickness for the plain shell increases accordingly.For the considered structural configuration,the critical thicknesses of plain shells are 5 and 7 mm for the velocities of 300 and 400 m/s,respectively.The structural stability is enhanced by using the stiffened configuration.With the shell configuration of nine ring stiffeners,the maximal displacement and von Mises stress of the supercavitating structure decrease by 25% and 17% for the velocity of 300 m/s,respectively.Compared with ring stiffeners,longitudinal stiffeners are more significant to improve structural dynamic performance and decrease the critical value of thickness of the shell for the supercavitating vehicle.
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在南滨路慈云寺后的那一带老街名叫“黄家巷”,两旁青砖高墙森然,零星有几栋中西合璧别墅分外惹人注目,这就是重庆著名富豪黄锡滋避暑大院。在解放前重庆知名的本埠几大家族里,一个靠盐号暴富,并涉足煤矿、航运的富豪家族,黄锡滋的名声鹊起。见证了当年大家族的沉与浮。  20世纪初,黄锡滋集资数万两白银,开办“天锡生”商号,经营布匹、棉纱、油盐、山货等,生意越做越大。十年后,再创办福记航运部,购置3艘轮船跑川江