
来源 :神剑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anglecap
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这几天我的情绪一直都很低落。这是自从我退伍返乡近一年来没有过的低落,如果不是参加了这次退役士兵就业安置考试,我的心情还相对平静些。虽然平静中也有焦躁、不安和恐慌,可是,当我得到这个消息后,我像当头挨了一棒。这一棒把我打晕了,似乎也把我打警醒了。我知道,这个考试结果会在我的预料之中,但我一直很自信地认为我的退伍士兵档案里有了二等功,可以直接获得政策性 These days my emotions have been low. This is the lowest level I have not experienced in nearly a year since I returned to my homeland. I was relatively calm if I did not participate in the retired soldier employment placement test. Although there was anxiety, anxiety and panic in my calmness, when I got the news, I was like a winner. This stabbed me, it seems that I also wake up. I know that the result of this exam will be in my expectation, but I have always believed with confidence that there are second-class merit in my ex-soldiers’ file and can directly obtain policy
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“爸爸,我们学校成立了一个乐队,我想去参加,学校还说乐器要自己带。”父亲盯了儿子半天,递过一根竹子:“孩子,咱家穷,你 ”Dad, we set up a band in the school, I want
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