,Dake Chen: unraveling the secrets of ocean-climate interaction

来源 :National Science Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guigui198302
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The ocean is a complex and mysterious system that atracts scientists around the world to unravel its secrets.Dake Chen,a distinguished physical oceanographer and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,is one of them.Since the mid-1980s,he has been studying ocean dynamics and ocean–atmosphere interaction,and has made seminal contributions to the understanding and prediction of short-term climate variability,especially the El Ni?no phenomenon.In a recent interview with NSR,Professor Dake Chen says that China has made The ocean is a complex and mysterious system that atracts scientists around the world to unravel its secrets. Take Chen, a distinguished physical oceanographer and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is one of them. Since the mid-1980s, he has been studying ocean dynamics and ocean-atmosphere interaction, and has made seminal contributions to the understanding and prediction of short-term climate variability, especially the El Niñ no phenomenon. In a recent interview with NSR, Professor Dake Chen says that China has made
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