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水跑可以减肥你有没有嘲笑过那些在游泳池中走来走去的“旱鸭子”?现在,不要笑了,最好也加入他们的行列。在美国成千上万的人到大海和游泳池里慢跑。水中慢跑已成为当今美国集健美和减肥于一体的最新运动。做水中慢跑运动时,身体应垂直悬浮于深水中,鼻孔比水面稍高一些,四肢猛划,最好能像水中扑腾的鸭子一样。水中慢跑对肥胖者尤其适宜。由于水的密度和传热性比空气大,所以水中慢跑时消耗的能量比陆地上多。试验表明,在12℃的水中停留4分钟所散发的热量,相当于在同样温度的陆地上1小时所散发的热量。陆地上全力跑100米大约消耗35千卡能量,而在水中慢跑100米要消耗65千卡能量。可见,在同样 Can you lose weight while running water? Have you ridiculed those “duck ducks” who walk around the swimming pool? Now, do not laugh, it is best to join them. Thousands of people in the United States jog into the sea and swimming pool. Jogging in water has become the latest sport in the United States to combine bodybuilding and weight loss. When doing jogging in water, the body should be vertically suspended in deep water, nostrils slightly higher than the surface of the water, limbs slung, preferably like a duck in the water. Water jogging is particularly suitable for obese people. Since water has a higher density and heat transfer than air, more water is consumed in jogging than on land. Experiments have shown that the heat emitted in a 12 ° C water for 4 minutes corresponds to the amount of heat dissipated over an hour at the same temperature. 100 meters on land to run full power consumption of about 35 kcal energy, jogging 100 meters in the water to consume 65 kcal energy. Can be seen in the same
平遥是汉民族地区迄今保存完整的古代县城,是一座由巍峨的城墙、街道、店铺、寺庙、民居组成的庞大古建筑群。自2001年起,这 座有着2700年历史的古城与“摄影”结下不解之缘
  There are four ranking criteria of uncertain variable in uncertainty theory.This paper introduces the concept of utility criterion and discusses relations b
  In this paper, we present an uncertain Bang-Bang control by using the equation of optimality in uncertain optimal control.An example is given to illustrate
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摘要:新课改,我们遇到很多难题,但更多地是看到,新课改给课堂教学带来的勃勃生机,在具体的教学中仍然存在诸多问题,我们将采取那些相应的教学策略呢?  关键词:新课改;教学;策略  一、新课标指导下小学数学教学的新变化  新课改已经融入到学校的各个角落。我们在实施过程中,遇到很多的难题,但更多地是看到,新课改给课堂教学带来的新变化。新课程实施后,学校的教育教学工作发生了明显的变化:教师的教材观、学生观
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