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中央人民政府商业部为了保证全国人民欢庆节日,满足广大人民的节期需要;总结了历次减价的经验和群众的反映;并照顾各方面的关系,统一规定了各地节日零售商品减价供应办法,要点如下:(一)元旦节:九五扣优待三天(节前三天);(二)春节:九五扣优待七天(节前七天);(三)五一劳动节:九五扣优待三天(节前三天);(四)八一建军节:九五扣优待一天(八月一日),优待对象只限于军人及持有证明的烈士家属与革命军人家属;(五)国庆节:九五扣优待七天(每年九月二十七、二十八、二十九、三十及十月二、三、四日);(六)各少数民族每年最主要的节日(相当于汉族春节者):九五扣优待七天,优待对象只限于过各该节日的少数民族,优待日期与办法可根据各该民族习惯,由当地政府另行规定。以上规定,适用于全国有国营公司地区的国营公司、地方国营公司与合作社的零售门市部;减价商品范围包括各国营公司自营(代销者除外)零售日用消费商品及百货公司所自营的全部零售商品。减价期间,为便利更多数人购买减价商品,最好包括星期日,并可由当地灵活掌握,提前或错后一、二日。该部以前公布的有关纪念节日的一切规定即行废止。 The Ministry of Commerce of the Central People’s Government wants to ensure that the people throughout the country celebrate the festival and meet the festival needs of the broad masses of people; it summarizes the experiences of previous price reductions and the reflection of the masses; and takes care of the relationship between the various parties, and uniformly regulates the supply of festive retail products throughout the country. The main points are as follows: (1) New Year’s Day: 90 days with preferential treatment for three days (three days before the holiday); (b) Spring Festival: nine days for preferential treatment for seven days (seven days before the holiday); (three) May Day: Deduction of preferential treatment for three days (three days before the holiday); (d) August Day Army Day: September 15th preferential treatment for one day (August 1), preferential treatment is limited to military personnel and family members of certified martyrs and revolutionary soldiers; ( v) National Day: 95 days deduct preferential treatment for seven days (on September 27, 28, 29, 30 and October 2, 3 and 4 of each year); (6) The most important annual festival for each ethnic minority (Equivalent to the Han Chinese Spring Festival): After ninety-five deductions and preferential treatment for seven days, the object of preferential treatment is limited to the ethnic minorities of the festival. The preferential treatment dates and methods can be determined by the local government according to the customs of each ethnic group. The above provisions apply to retail outlets of state-owned companies, local state-owned companies, and cooperatives in areas with state-owned companies nationwide; the range of price-reducing products includes self-supporting companies (excluding consignors), retail daily-use consumer goods, and self-service department stores. All retail merchandise. During the price reduction period, in order to facilitate the purchase of discounted goods by more people, it is better to include Sundays, which can be flexibly handled by the local community, one day or two days ahead of schedule or afterwards. All previous regulations on commemorative holidays announced by the Ministry were abolished.
中国人民解放军军车管理部门: 我厂是国内唯一研制、开发、生产蓄电池用水设备厂家,有两项技术曾获国家专利和中国专利新技术新产品博览会银奖,填补了国内没有蓄电池用水专
当我们的视野被广告强力攻击的时候,我们决定向广告瞄准! 你完全可以认为我们是没事找事,或者认为我们是在哗众取宠。 但我们的惟一目的就是清除一切不利于我们视力保护的