从许多前辈们的回忆录中都可以看到,当年鲁迅先生的教学是极其精彩的,深受学生欢迎的。如冯至先生在《笑谈虎尾记犹新》中写道: “鲁迅每周一次的讲课,与其他枯燥沉闷的课堂形成对照,这里沸腾着青春的热情和蓬勃的朝气。……那门课名义上是‘中国小说史’,实际讲的是对历史的观察,对社会的批判,对文艺理论的探索。……我们听他的课,和读他的文章一样,在引人入胜、娓娓动听的语言中蕴蓄着精辟的见解,闪烁着智慧的光芒。”
From the memoirs of many predecessors, we can see that Mr. Lu Xun’s teaching was extremely exciting and very popular among students. If Mr. Feng Zhi writes in “Let’s Talk about Huweijiu”, “Lu Xun’s weekly lecture contrasts with other boring and boring classes. There is youthful enthusiasm and vigorous vigor.... This is the ’Chinese History of Fiction’. It is actually talking about the observation of history, the criticism of society, and the exploration of literary and artistic theories.... We listen to his class, just like reading his essays, and they are engaging and appealing. There are incisive insights in the language, shining with wisdom.”