
来源 :华东电力 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyaohuaok
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中电联发布2014年第一季度全国电力供需形势分析预测报告显示,第一季度,我国国民经济开局平稳,全国电力供需总体平衡、运行安全稳定。电力消费需求平稳增长,全社会用电量同比增长5.4%;第三产业及城乡居民生活用电增速相对偏低,分别增长6.6%和6.0%;第二产业用电增长5.3%,其中四大高耗能行业用电增速回落,但设备制造业实现两位数增长;西部地区用电增速继续领先,中部地区增速同比回升幅度较大。电力供应能力总体充足,发电装机容量同 The CEC released the first quarter of 2014 China’s power supply and demand situation analysis and forecast report shows that in the first quarter, China’s national economy started a smooth, the national electricity supply and demand overall balance, safe and stable operation. Electricity consumption grew steadily and the electricity consumption of the whole society increased by 5.4% over the same period of last year. The growth rate of electricity consumption in tertiary industry and urban and rural residents was relatively low, up by 6.6% and 6.0% respectively. The electricity consumption in the secondary industry increased by 5.3% In the large energy-intensive industries, the growth rate of electricity consumption dropped, but the equipment manufacturing industry enjoyed double-digit growth. The growth rate of electricity consumption in the western region continued to lead the growth rate in the central region rose more year on year. The overall power supply capacity is sufficient, with the same installed capacity of power generation
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