
来源 :农药科学与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiziqing
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巴西农药市场继续增长。据农药工业贸易协会Sindag,2012年巴西农药市场销售再增长14.4%,达到创纪录的97.1亿美元。Sindag市场数据主管Ivan Amancio Sampaio表示,市场规模受美元兑巴西货币汇率上涨影响。美元汇率从2011年的1.7雷亚尔上涨到去年的近2雷亚尔。若按本国货币计算,市场增长更为强近。农药产业领导人对此类技术使用表示欢迎,去年农产品喜获丰收。随着豆类、玉米和大豆价格持续上涨,农药投资更具吸引力。Sindag和 Brazil’s pesticide market continues to grow. According to Sindag, the Pesticide Industry Trade Association, in 2012 the Brazilian market for pesticides increased another 14.4%, reaching a record high of 9.71 billion U.S. dollars. Ivan Amancio Sampaio, director of market data at Sindag, said the size of the market was affected by the dollar-Brazilian currency exchange rate hike. The U.S. dollar rose from 1.7 BRL in 2011 to nearly 2 BRL last year. If calculated in local currency, the market is growing more strongly. Pesticide industry leaders welcomed the use of such technologies and won a good harvest last year. Pesticide investment is even more attractive as prices for beans, corn and soybeans continue to rise. Sindag and
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