
来源 :清华大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:resumestd
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为了提高接收方的数据下载性能,首先需要诊断出数据下载过程中数据发送的主要限制因素。该文给出了一种可在数据接收方诊断传输控制协议(TCP)连接数据发送限制因素的方法。该方法首先使用TCP时间戳选项确定报文间的引发关系,然后获得连接每时刻的飞行字节数,最后根据飞行字节数的变化规律给出数据发送的3种限制因素及其在连接中所占的时间比例。实验床实验验证了该方法的准确性,方法估计误差的平均值小于0.02。P lanetL ab实验验证了方法的有效性。在实验中,该方法还诊断出数据发送受到了收方缓存的限制,而成倍增大收方缓存能使传输速率成倍增大。 In order to improve the data download performance of the receiver, it is first necessary to diagnose the main limitation of data transmission during data download. This paper presents a method that can be used at the data receiver to diagnose the transmission constraints of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection data. The method first uses the TCP timestamp option to determine the triggering relationship between messages and then obtains the number of flight bytes at each moment of the connection. Finally, according to the variation rule of flight bytes, three kinds of limiting factors of data transmission and their connection in the connection The proportion of time occupied. Experimental results show the accuracy of this method. The average error of the method estimation is less than 0.02. P lanetLab experiments verify the effectiveness of the method. In the experiment, the method also diagnoses that the data transmission is limited by the receiving side cache, and doubling the receiving side cache can double the transmission rate.
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