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长篇小说《铁皮鼓》以一个“只有3岁身材,却有3倍聪明”的怪诞人物奥斯卡·马策拉特作为主人公,他因为不屑与成人世界同流合污,而通过自残的形式拒绝长高。作者以独特的艺术匠心巧妙地塑造了这个形象,借以充当“第三只眼睛”来审视这个充满黑暗和邪恶的社会现实,进而唤起读者的民族自审意识,达到清算法西斯势力之目的。格拉斯创造的奥斯卡·马策拉特这个荒诞的形象,在美学上具有很大意义,他继承了17世纪巴洛克文学中“流浪汉小说”里的流浪汉形象:这种人物貌似愚钝,却心智聪明,他们不遵循流行的社会习俗和道德规范。为了生存,他们在社会上横冲直撞,常常使统治阶级或上流社会的体面人物狼狈不堪,洋相出尽,显示了“卑贱者最聪明”的社会哲理。德国作家格里美豪森的《痴儿西木传》开此类小说的先河。评论界认为,《铁皮鼓》是一部石破天惊的杰作,仅这部杰作的美学成就,已足够使格拉斯获得诺贝尔奖这一殊荣了,因为他创造了一种独特而绝妙的讽刺艺术语言。下面我们选载《铁皮鼓》中的部分章节,以飨读者。 The novel “Tin Drum” with a “3-year-old figure, but 3 times clever,” the weird character Oscar • Ma Cerrat as the protagonist, because he disdain and adult world congenial, but refused to grow taller by means of self-mutilation. By unique artistic ingenuity, the author cleverly shapes this image so as to serve as the “third eye” to examine this social reality full of darkness and evil. This in turn arouses readers’ awareness of national self-examination and achieves the purpose of liquidating the fascist forces. The absurd image of Oscar Macyrat, created by Glass, is aesthetically significant. He inherits the image of a tramp in “Hobo novels” of baroque literature of the seventeenth century: Clever, they do not follow popular social customs and ethics. In order to survive, they are rampant in society and they often find decent figures of the ruling class or high society confronted with flamboyance and show the social philosophy of “the most intelligent of the humble ones.” German writer Grimeshausen’s “Child’s Child West Wood Biography” opened the precedent for such novels. The critics believe that “Tin Drum” is a groundbreaking masterpiece, only the aesthetic achievements of this masterpiece has been enough to make Grasse Nobel Prize won this award because he created a unique and wonderful satirical art language . Below we select some of the “tin drum” in order to readers.
下节是我的语文课。我早早地来到教室,意外发 现平时爱动爱闹的李同正在全神贯注地看一本书。 “看什么书这么专心?”我问。 李同一看是我,下意识地把书往书桌里一塞,眼 神中
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。花之物语@李凯@崔军刚 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Flower Sto
Saul Bellow has been America’s leading novelist for nearly 40 years. This essay has three chief aims:1) to define Bellow’s idiosyncratic genius as a writer;an
本书原名《命运之力》(La Force du Destin),1981年在巴黎出版。上部(载本刊1984年第1期)描写第二次世界大战后期,在傀儡贝当执政的法国,马赛印刷厂车间主任艾蒂安·德莱尔,