专练十 完形填空(2)

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  The story took place in Israel. One day when government officials were rebuilding a barn(谷仓), they found a mouse hole and used smoke to 1 ,
  the mice inside to come out. A while later they 2 , saw mice running out. Everyone thought that all the mice had 3 . But just as they just about to start to 4 , they saw two mice squeezing out at the exit of the hole. After some 5 , the mice finally got out. The strange thing was that they did not run away 6 . Instead, one chased after the other near the 7 of the hole. It 8 that one was trying to bite the tail of the other.
  Everyone was puzzled, 9 they stepped closer to take a look. They 10 that one of the mice was blind and the other one was trying to pull it with him to escape.
  After 11 what happened, everyone was 12 ,
  and lost in thought. During meal time, the group of people started to chat about what happened to the two mice.
  One serious Rome official said: “I think the
  13 between those two mice was that of emperor and minister.” The others thought for a while and approved 14 it.
  A smart Israeli said: “I think they are husband and wife.” Again the others thought for a while, and all felt it 15 .
  A Chinese, who was accustomed to the firm tradition of 16 to parents, said: “I think they are mother and son.” The others felt this was more
  17 .
  At that moment, one 18 Samaritan looked at other people, and asked: “Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship?”
  Suddenly, the 19 froze.
  In fact, the true love is not 20 on benefit, friendship and loyalty or blood relationship. Instead, it is based on no relationship.
  1. A. force B. help
  C. pray D. demand
  2. A. exactly B. properly
  C. suddenly D. indeed
  3. A. died B. disappeared
  C. escaped D. hidden
  4. A. pick up B. clean up
  C. stay up D. put up
  5. A. endeavor B. trial
  C. performance D. intention
  6. A. happily B. immediately
  C. naturally D. punctually
  7. A. side B. end
  C. exit D. passage
  8. A. seemed B. proved
  C. happened D. struck
  9. A. though B. or
  C. but D. so
  10. A. sensed B. observed
  C. realized D. recognized
  11. A. appreciating B. witnessing
  C. noticing D. informing
  12. A. speechless B. calm
  C. noiseless D. quiet
  13. A. relationship B. grade
  C. rank D. status   14. A. with B. to
  C. in D. of
  15. A. came to light B. got around
  C. made sense D. made a difference
  16. A. friendship B. loyalty
  C. benefit D. love
  17. A. tolerable B. sensitive
  C. reasonable D. allergic
  18. A. absent-minded B. tough-minded
  C. narrow-minded D. pure-minded
  19. A. gas B. atmosphere
  C. conversation D. emotion
  20. A. shaped B. developed
  C. formed D. established
  In 1978, I became a flight attendant for a major airline. I have flown hundreds of flights since graduation, but one 1 among the many.
  We were flying from Los Angeles to Washington D. C, when I 2 a toilet call light. There I found a young mother struggling with her baby. Everything was a 3 , and the mother told me she had no more diapers(尿布) or other clothing.
  Through her tears, she 4 me that they had missed their flight the 5 night in Los Angeles and because she had very 6 money, she and her son had spent the night on the airport floor. Since she hadn’t 7 to miss the flight, she was forced to 8 most of her supplies and money. She told me she was 9 to New Hampshire to deliver her son to the family that was 10 him. She could no longer support the two of them.
  As she stood in front of me, I could see the 11 and hopelessness on her face. 12 , as a mother of three beautiful daughters, I could 13 her pain.
  I immediately rang the flight attendant call button and asked for assistance from the other flight 14 . They brought cloth towels from first class to assist in 15 both mum and the baby. 16 we landed, I walked them to their next flight, which would take them to their final destination.
  As she thanked me for all I had done she said 17 , “You’re not the flight attendant, you’re a sky angel.” 18 my flight attendant wings(飞行章), she continued, “And those are your angel wings.”
  Though I am no longer a flight attendant, my “angel wings” are still 19 in my office. And each time I see them, I am 20 of that young woman and her baby.
  1. A. stands for B. stands by
  C. stands up D. stands out
  2. A. answered B. received
  C. saw D. met
  3. A. chaos B. pollution
  C. mess D. mixture
  4. A. requested B. informed
  C. reminded D. complained
  5. A. precious B. former
  C. latter D. previous
  6. A. rare B. little
  C. scarce D. much
  7. A. supposed B. thought
  C. imagined D. expected
  8. A. use up B. eat up
  C. run out D. break down
  9. A. around the clock B. on her way
  C. around the corner D. in the way
  10. A. adapting B. adjusting
  C. rejecting D. adopting
  11. A. hope B. excitement
  C. despair D. pressure
  12. A. However B. Thus
  C. Besides D. Therefore
  13. A. feel B. realize
  C. recognize D. acknowledge
  14. A. friends B. attendants
  C. pilots D. passengers
  15. A. putting up B. wrapping up
  C. cleaning up D. picking up
  16. A. Unless B. Once
  C. If D. Although
  17. A. anxiously B. calmly
  C. happily D. softly
  18. A. Sensing B. Feeling
  C. Touching D. Moving
  19. A. on display B. in sight
  C. in place D. in order
  20. A. reminded B. required
  C. spoken D. thought
1. I (不知道) whether he can spare some time to help me. (idea)  我不知道他是否能抽空帮我。  2. I read about it in some book or other; does it matter ? (which)  我在某本书上读过这个,是哪一本有关系吗?  3. It seems . (as)  看起来好像要下雨了。  4
A  Job was not a brilliant man, yet he taught me about the essence of a “real man”. He 1 for work on time and he loved only one woman—his wife, Molly. He loved me as his very own grandchild, 2 he was
1. Mr Wu seldom visits my house. , I’ll let you know. (once)  吴先生很少来我家。一旦他来了,我会告诉你。  2. I think that you are younger (比你看上去). (look)  我觉得你比你看上去年轻。  3. , he can’t lift the heavy stone. (as)  尽管他很强壮,他还是
1. He is the only one of the teachers . (know)  他是唯一懂俄语的老师。  2. He is one of the students . (fond)  他是唯一喜爱流行音乐的学生。  3. Let’s go to the main teaching building, stands the school library. (back)  我们去主教学
1. You should send him an e-mail. . (sooner)  你应该给他发封邮件。越快越好。  2. Copernicus that he published it only before he died. (cautious)  哥白尼对这个结论如此地慎重,以至于他在去世前才公布。  3. him when I realized that I had seen hi
A  A high school history teacher once told us, “If you make one close friend in school, you will be most fortunate. A 1 friend is someone who stays with you for life”. 2 teaches that he was right. Goo
1. Father asked me to go and see my grandma in the country, and (我便去了). (so)  爸爸要我去乡下看望奶奶,于是我便去了。  2. — Jane answered the teacher’s question very well.  — . (so)  ——简很好地回答了老师的问题。  ——的确如此。  3. Karl Mar
1. Men’s for meat explains why men have more cases than women when it comes to high cholesterol, the study said.  A. priority B. preference  C. option D. selection  2. It’s generally thought that good
俗语有“平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”,或“急来抱佛脚,有事现上香”等说法,是说平时不努力,事先不做准备,事情急了才临时张罗,设法求助。只是这事急了为何要去“抱佛脚”?“抱佛脚”真能解决问题吗?  从语源的角度看,“抱佛脚”是源自西域俗语,有人认为最初也是对佛致敬的一种礼拜方式。  据玄奘法师《大唐西域记》所说,古印度世俗社会的“致敬之式,其仪九等”,后来佛教吸收了其中“俯首示敬”“合掌平拱”“屈膝”“
周姓是一个历时悠久、庞大多源的姓氏。在《百家姓》中,周姓仅次于“赵钱孙李”,位居第五。如今,在第三次人口普查中周姓仍然是大姓,那么周姓是如何发展起来的呢?  先来看看“周”字的构形。甲骨文“周”字,像田中种禾之形,金文又演化,在原有的形体下加“口”作饰笔。姓周的为什么和种田有关系呢?这就得从农业在远古时代的作用和地位说起。  据史书记载,黄帝的后代后稷被舜封于邰,姓姬,是周的始祖,他的族民奉他为农