Translation show of“Sun”and“Moon”

来源 :东西南北(大学生) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZJWLMX
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编辑语: 我们就把邵同学和徐同学的译文当作标准译文好吗? 同学们的热情之盛和来信之多,真的很出乎大卫的意料。150多封创刊号和第2期的英文译稿足足装了4个大信封!其中不乏优美准确的译文,为了回报大家的真诚与努力,从始至终,我几乎每天晚上都要修改五六篇译稿,并及时回寄给作者。以后我们还会定期刊登大学生朋友的优秀译文给大家!同时希望大家来信提出建议和意见,因为我们登出来的,就应该是你们需要的!欢迎继续来稿——注意查收给优胜者的小礼品噢! 新年到了,大卫在这里,代表编辑部全体哥哥姐姐,祝大学生朋友圣诞快乐,新年进步,每天向英语快乐出发——吃好,玩好,学习好,睡觉不感冒! ——大卫 Editor’s Note: Do we use the translations of Shao and Xu as standard translations? The students’ enthusiasm and the number of letters are really beyond David’s expectations. More than 150 original and 2nd editions of English translations have been packed with 4 large envelopes! There are many beautiful and accurate translations. In order to repay everyone’s sincerity and hard work, from beginning to end, I have to modify five or six almost every night. The translation is sent back to the author in time. In the future, we will regularly publish excellent translations of college students and friends. At the same time, we hope everyone will put forward suggestions and opinions because we need to come out! Welcome to the manuscript - check out the small gifts for the winners. The new year is here. David is here to represent the editorial department’s elder brother and sister. I wish my college friends and friends a Merry Christmas and a New Year’s progress. Let’s set out on a happy English day - eat well, play well, study well, and sleep without cold! - David
“All the kids make fun of me,” the boy cried tohis mother. “They say I have a big head.”“Don’ t listen to them, ” his mother consoled. “Youhave a beaut
一位男士:我结婚是因为我已厌倦了上餐馆吃饭,自己洗衣服,穿有洞的衣服。另一位男士:真有意思!我离婚也是因为同样的原因。 A man: I was married because I was tired of
我是风。猎猎的朔风。我的身影,穿梭在一个古老民族沉静的呼吸中,吹拂过秦时的明月,汉代的关隘,唐人的环佩,宋朝的衣袂……记忆中的一切,光鲜一如从前。 I am the wind. Hun