Cultural Differences in the Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals

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  The culture of world is colorful. On the soil of colorful culture, there grows different traditional festivals. They are distinctly different in their origins. Chinese festivals mainly stem from seasons and solar periods, while western festivals are mostly influenced with religious features. Another aspect is apparent different in their customs. When celebrating the festivals, the Chinese tend to focus more attention on eating and drinking, while the westerners tend to the seeking of pleasure. In the era of globalization, the step of Chinese-western culture communication is becoming quicker and quicker and Chinese and westerners will know each other more and more well.
  (一)The differences between Chinese and western culture
  Chinese culture
  China has a very long history. Before very old ages, our predecessors gave us a brief view of culture. Until now, as the development of society, the concepts of culture become broader and broader.
  Chinese culture is a fascinating civilization which derives its abiding quality from a culture, dating from several millennia and still determining the underlying character of the country despite the profound changes which are its driving force.
  The Chinese cultural tradition is the end-product of the significant periods of historical evolution.
  western culture
  Western culture is made of many elements, which have gone through changes over the centuries. Western culture began in ancient Greece. There and in the Roman civilization it developed until the start of the Middle Ages when it largely vanished from Europe. During the Middle Ages, Western culture resided, instead, in the Arab world to a modest degree. Then the rediscovery of Western culture in Europe in the Late Middle Ages prompted the Renaissance. Western culture’s continuing development then led to the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and to what is considered today as modern, advanced civilization.
  Elements of Western culture have had a very influential role on other cultures worldwide. People of many cultures, both Western and non-Western, equate modernization with westernization (adoption of Western culture). Nonetheless, much of anthropology today has shown the close links between the physical environment and daily activities and the formation of a culture.
  (二)The Differences between Chinese and Western Traditional Festivals
  There are aspects of differences between Chinese and Western CULTURES. Traditional festivals are one of the most important differences. It is not only a way of showing the social life of its people, but also a good way of passing on the culture. With the development of culture interaction, we have got to know lots of western festivals and find out some differences between Chinese and Western festivals.
  Because of culture differences, the celebration activities of Chinese and Western traditional festivals are quite different.
  The customs of Chinese festivals
  When celebrating the festivals, the Chinese people tend to focus more attentions on eating and drinking. Chinese Diet has a long history, so it inevitably became one of the most important factors of festival celebration. What’s more, different festivals have different food and different food carries different wishes of Chinese people. On the Spring Festival, people have New Year’s Cake hoping that family members will get promotion in the coming year, and have New Year’s Eve Meal wishing the whole family could unite every year. Almost every traditional festival has one special kind of food.
  The customs of western festivals
  When westerners celebrate their festivals, they pay more attentions to the seeking of pleasure and entertainments. In contrast to China, western festivals have no fixed menu. People like sending or receiving festival gifts and cards the best. To a certain extent, gifts have become the most important part of festival celebration. For instance, on Saint Valentine’s Day, people send roses or chocolates to their beloved persons.
  Entertainment is another essential parts. On festivals, there are a lot of partied and carnivals held by different community. They may go out to the street and dance crazily with strangers.
  Tradition festivals, as a very important part of culture, are not only a way of showing the social life of its people, but also a good way of pasting on the culture. Though there are lots of differences between Chinese and Western traditional festivals, with the development of culture interaction, the overlap of the two cultures are becoming larger and larger. More and more Chinese celebrate western festivals and westerners are showing interest in Chinese traditional festivals. The people of both sides accept and adore each other’s traditional festivals and there is a new tendency of selecting the superiority and eliminating the inferiority. Now the whole world community is no more than a large global village which is getting smaller. It is our obligation to live in harmony, to conduct the inevitable cultural exchanges and to avoid clashes.
在教学过程中,我发现学生学得时间越长,越是不愿意开口,出现的朗读问题越来越多,致使有的学生对于英语朗读毫无兴趣可言,丧失了英语学习积极性和主动性,影响了孩子自身的全面发展。  一、当前小学英语口语教学的现状  由于受考试制度的影响,学生们在学习英语过程中只重视笔试而忽视口练,从而把朗读放在了一个被忽略的角落。在10多年的英语教学中,我发现小学生在英语朗读时存在诸多问题,如:很多学生在朗读时拖音很明
【摘要】新课程背景下,传统的英语教学模式逐渐显露出了一些问题和不足之处,对初中生英语学习和深入研究产生了一定的影响。本篇文章主要对新课程下,初中英语教学中的问题及对策进行分析,以期能够有效改善当前初中英语教学中存在的问题,创建良好的教学氛围,促进学生英语水平的快速提升。  【关键词】新课程理念 初中英语教学 英语思维  《英语新课程标准》中指出,在英语教学中,要注重激发和培养学生英语学习的兴趣,使
《高中英语新课程标准》在总的目标中强调“根据高中生认知能力发展的特点和学业发展的需求,在进一步发展学生综合素质的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息处理信息﹑分析问题和解决问题的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力,进一步拓宽国际视野,增强爱国主义精神和民族使命…” 由此可见,培养学生的跨文化交际能力是我们的英语教学中的一个重要的目标  英语是当前国际上广泛使用的交际语言 ,越来越多的国
摘 要:有效的课堂教学无疑靠的是提问、对话和交流反复交替来实施。为了设计好主问题,适时提问,以保证课堂教学的有序进行,还应课前提问自己、提问课本,更应在课后反思提问的得失。本文将从课堂提问的策略和设计技巧方面,结合多年的教学实践经验作些初步探讨。  关键词:有效提问;构建;高效课堂;提问技巧  巴尔扎克曾说过:“打开一切科学的钥匙都毫无疑问是问号”。有效的课堂提问可以使“一脸疑团”的学生“豁然开朗