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随着北京奥运会的结束,一段时期内竞技体育与发展到了一个顶峰,这就对高校的校园体育文化建设提出新的要求。本文首先分析了高校校园体育文化建设的重要性,其次,从提高学生的健康水平,增强全民族的体制是高校校园体育文化建设的根本目的;挖掘体育文化内涵,创设具有学校特色的体育文化氛围;建设有校本特征的、形式多样的、内容丰富的校园体育文化;充分体现学生的主体性,发挥体育竞赛在校园体育文化建设中的作用等方面就如何在后奥运时期加强高校校园体育文化建设进行了深入的探讨,具有一定的参考价值。 With the conclusion of the Beijing Olympic Games, competitive sports and development have reached a peak during a period of time, which sets new demands for the construction of campus sports culture in colleges and universities. This paper first analyzes the importance of campus sports culture construction in colleges and universities. Secondly, from the point of improving students’ health level and enhancing the national system, it is the fundamental purpose of college sports culture construction; excavating the connotation of sports culture and setting up sports culture atmosphere with school characteristics ; How to strengthen the construction of college sports culture in the post-Olympic period in terms of building a school-based campus sports culture of various forms and rich contents; fully embodying the students’ subjectivity and bringing the sports competition into play in the construction of campus sports culture Conducted in-depth discussion, has a certain reference value.
EMⅢ(极限大师杯)简介Extreme MastersⅢ(极限大师赛第三赛季)是由世界著名电子竞技组织Electronic Sports League (简称ESL)举办的全球性的电子竞技冠军赛事。进入2008年,享
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1.ZDW重型机床大惯量电机微型计算机控制系统(获贵州省科技进步三等奖) 本系统为CNC系统,采用Z80和MCS—48双微处理机,三闭环控制大惯量电机,实现四个座标的调速,微量进给,
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