TCO就像一座漂浮在水面上的冰山,大部分人只看到了水面上的那一角。提起TCO(Total Cost of Ownership,总体拥有成本),其实并不陌生.其含义是在一个IT系统的整个生命周期中,前期的购买成本只占20%,而剩下的80%则是在使用和维护中产生的。这个由Gartner公司提出的概念.被很多国际大厂商所借鉴.但是当他们在中国宣讲时.并未引起国内用户的足够重视。然而伴随着中国用户的逐渐成熟和IT不境的变化.IT系统和设施的后期使用和维护成本显得尤为重要。降低TCO已经不仅是一个目标.而是CEO和CIO们每日必谈的话题。
TCO is like an iceberg floating on the water, most people only see the water on the corner. TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), is no stranger to the fact that the meaning of the entire life cycle of an IT system, the previous purchase cost only 20%, while the remaining 80% is in use And maintenance generated. This concept, proposed by Gartner, is used by many international companies, but when they preached in China, they did not attract enough attention from domestic users. However, with the gradual maturation of Chinese users and IT changes, the cost of post-use and maintenance of IT systems and facilities is of paramount importance. TCO reduction has not only been a goal, but the topic that CEOs and CIOs must talk about daily.