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one和that都可以用作替换词.例如: A happy person is said to have a sunny disposition and a happy life to be one filled with sunshine. Animal social systems range from the temporary coupling of earthworms to the complex structures of ant societies, in which group interests so overshadow individuality that the relationship of individual to group is like that between cell and organism. 不过,在上面两个句子中,one和that却不能够互相交换使用.这是因为:one一般用来代表有不定冠词的名词,比如,第一句中的one等于a happy life;而that一般用来代表有定冠词的名词,如第二句中的that就替换了the relationship. 尽管我们不能把one和that互相交换使用,但是有时也可见到,the one取代that如: They(指the needles)weresometimes on my hands and arms, Both one and that can be used as replacement words. For example: A happy person is said to have a sunny disposition and a happy life to be one filled with sunshine. Animal social systems range from the temporary coupling of earthworms to the complex structures of ant societies However, in the above two sentences, one and that cannot be used interchangeably. This is because: one is generally used to: Represents a noun with an indefinite article. For example, one in the first sentence is equal to a happy life; and that is generally used to represent a noun with a definite article, as in the second sentence that replaces the relationship. Although we cannot Use one and that, but sometimes it can be seen that the one replaces that: They(refer to the needles) were sometimes on my hands and arms,
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近数年来,英语报章上常出现一种“动词+in”的新词,颇值得英语学习者注意.本文试谈谈这类新词的含义和用法. “动词+in”是“动词+副词”的一种主要构词形式,据笔者所见,常
动词desire,hope,want,wish和expect是同义词,都可作“希望”解,但是它们的含义有一定的差别,用法也不尽相同.现分别叙述如下: 1.desire指强烈地希望、愿意或决心做某事,或
英语否定句,在各种文体中极为常见.其中有些否定句,貌似浅显,实则内蕴的否定含义往往难以准确领会,极易导致误解,乃至严重歪曲原意.兹列举较难理解的两种否定句于下: 1.部分
汉语教学,对于培养学生用词造句的规范化,无疑是十分必要的.但若要培养学生具有较高的语言文字修养,较强的语言文字实践能力,却又是很不够的了. Chinese teaching is undoub