The Secret Life Of Pets(2016)

来源 :第二课堂(校外活动版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honghuishupian
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  Brief introduction剧情简介:
  The action comedy is set in a Manhattan apartment building. After the two-legged residents head for work and school, their pets gather to start their day, which consists of hanging out, trading humiliating stories about their owners, and helping each other work up adorable looks that will lead to more snacks.
  The head hound is a quick-witted terrier rescue (Louis C.K.), whose position at the epicenter of his master’s universe is suddenly threatened when she comes home with Duke (Stonestreet), a sloppy mongrel with no polish. The two soon find themselves on the mean streets of New York, where they meet the adorable white bunny Snowball (Hart). It turns out that Snowball is the leader of an army of pets that were abandoned and are determined to get back at humanity and every owner-loving pet. The dogs must stop this plot and make it back in time for dinner.
  公寓楼的领头狗麦克(Louis C.K. 配音)是一只机智灵敏的梗犬。当凯蒂把杜老大(Eric Stonestreet 配音)这只邋遢肮脏、毫无社交技巧的杂种狗领回家之后,他发现自己养尊处优的生活急转直下。当这两只观点不合的宠物狗迷失在纽约的穷街陋巷之时,它们不得不放下分歧,齐心协力对抗一只外表毛茸茸却内心狡猾的兔子小白(Kevin Hart 配音)。小白召集了一群遭弃的宠物,组成了一支联盟,试图对人类以及受主人爱护的宠物发起反攻。经历了各种波折之后,麦克和杜老大必须在凯蒂下班回来之前赶回家。
  Movie Reviews影评
  *thecow4 33 popcorn
  Although The Secret Life of Pets has a clever storyline and an interesting topic, the movie itself can be a lot better. Most likely, you’ve seen at least one of the previews and have found it amusing. However, every funny part of the movie was already shown in the previews. The message the movie is showing is a good one, yet it contains some rudeness. It does include a lot of interesting action, which is an acceptable feature. Overall, The Secret Life of Pets is an okay movie that has room for improvement.
  The Secret Life of Pets is a great movie for all ages. It has some really funny content and scenes. You are sure to love this movie. I personally recommend this movie for kids 5 and older, any younger could be a bit bad because there are some scary scenes and there are a few sad moments. Apart from that you will love every second. I hope they make a Secret Life of Pets two.
  潘 蓉 改編
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段庆珍老师点评:  表述有点混乱:应该先交代在大连度假,然后再具体描述其中印象比较深刻的一天。语法方面也应注意避免那些常见的错误:动词的性质(及物还是不及物)、动词时态、名词单复数和冠词的用法等。
Idioms in English  1. make a monkey out of (someone) 让某人出丑、难堪  He made a monkey out of me by calling me names in front of my girlfriend.  他当着我女朋友的面辱骂我,让我很难堪。  2. monkey around with somebody or somethi