Unit 2 News media

来源 :语数外学习·高考英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwangh
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  Ⅰ.Read the text,and finish the following cloze to help retell the text.
  Chen Ying and Zhu Lin are two of China' s many________journalists.The two reporters agreed to________roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the________in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read is made.
一、课文导读  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.   __________for China is the__________show,__________a pair of comedians__________the audience with word play. The two speakers not only make
编者语:众所周知,行文之间是否具有连贯性是书面表达重要评分标准,是书面表达能否获得高分的一个高级要求。本文介绍几种行之有效的增强行文连贯性的手段。    一、 贴切使用过渡性词汇    贴切使用过渡性词汇可以大幅度增强书面表达行文的连贯性,提高书面表达的可读性,它不仅包括各种从句引导词,也包括起过渡作用的插入语和起连接作用的副词。同学们可根据体裁与题材的需要贴切使用过渡性词汇。  记叙文应着重用好
一、课文导读  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.  Pierre Loisel is the ________ one in his office who is_________to the palace ball. Hearing the___________, his wife, Mathilde is excited. The
一个播种的季节,一段难忘的岁月。  高三,面对父母的次次叮嘱,面对老师的殷殷期盼,面对山登绝顶我为峰的豪迈,面对狭路相逢勇者胜的无畏,请你以自信的步伐,平和的心态,务实的精神,扬帆起航。
一、课文导读  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.  Words are important, but the way a person_______, folds his or her arms, or_________his or her arms _________also give us ___________ about h
一、课文导读  Ⅰ.Read the text,and finish the following cloze to help retell the text.  When Stephen Hawking was twenty-one,he was told that he had an_________disease and that he might not have more than a y
一、课文导读  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.  When you come to a wonderful theme park, you are sure to_______________yourself. You can find a collection of rides, exhibitions and other___
At long last I am able to say a few words of my own. I have never wanted to withhold anything, but until now it has not been constitutionally possible for me to speak.  A few hours ago I discharged my
一、课文导读  Ⅰ.Read the text,and finish the following cloze to help retell the text.  The climate of the British Isles is mild_____a lot of rain.The coldest months are January andFebruary,_______the warmes
一、课文导读  Ⅰ.Read the text,and finish the following cloze to help retell the text.  What life will be________in the future is difficult to________.We can make .forecasts about future de-velopments by exa